June: Our Lady of Guadalupe


About Me:

On December 8, 1531 a poor man, Juan Diego, saw a glowing woman up on a hill.  Of course, he was curious and made his was up to see her.  She introduced herself as the Mother of God and the Mother of all Humanity.  She asked Juan Diego to help her have a shrine built on the top of the hill.  Why did she want a shrine built?  She wanted a place to show her love and share her love and compassion with all who believe.  There are many miracles associated with Our Lady of Guadalupe.  In 1945 Pope Pius XXII declared Our Lady of Guadalupe Empress of the Americas.

Patron Saint of:


Pray with Me:

Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose.  Please pray for the Church.  Protect the Pope, all Bishops and Priests.  Please help all who ask you for assistance.  You are the ever-Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God.  Please ask your son Jesus to give us the grace of keeping our faith throughout our lives, sweet hope in times of trouble, and love for all mankind.  Amen.


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