Friday, January 17, 2025. Mark 2: 1-12.
Your sins are forgiven
What a beautiful gift: the forgiveness of sins. While the paralytic was brought for physical healing, Jesus extended the later to the forgiveness of sin. This shows that sin is the most dangerous illness of all. It is sin that is the cause of paralysis. It is sin that isolate and separates us from God. Sin causes fear, doubt, mistrust and paralysis.
Let's be like the friends of this paralytic who were willing to bring their friends to Jesus for healing. Let's surround ourselves with people of great faith who uplift our own faith. May we always strive to be the hand that feeds not only the lips that pray.
With the power of the Holy Spirit, let us pick up our mat and walk!
Fr. Georges sac
Reflection of January 10 ,2025. 1 John 5:5-13; Ps. 147; Luke 5:12-16
Reflection of January 10 ,2025. 1 John 5:5-13; Ps. 147; Luke 5:12-16
Eternal life in Jesus
While St Luke gives us the instantly healing and purification of the leper only by Jesus words, St John invites to meditate on his threefold witnesses of water, spirit, and blood as a unified testimony that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In Jesus, believers have eternal life because he is the beloved Son of God confirmed at his baptism in the Jordan
(Water). He will shed his blood on the cross to save us (Blood). Finally, the coming of the Holy Spirit testifying about Him is a sign of his lordship.
Jesus is the true God and true man in whom all believers should have confidence if they would like to have eternal life.
He has the full potential to heal to forgive and to save.
Giving him our heart is the greatest act of our existence.
Blessed New Year 2025
Fr. Georges sac
January 28, 2024. The Holy Innocents.
January 28, 2024. The Holy Innocents.
Instead of welcoming Jesus, the newborn king, Herod decided to get rid of him. He was insecured, jealous, and attached to power. Let's not allow attraction to power and worldly ambitions, turn us into monsters and murderers. This message is for all those who are in position of power and leadership. Abuse of power causes harm, loss of trust and peace! Let's kill the Herod in us and allow the new baby Jesus to be born. Let's be protectors of the innocents after the example of Joseph.
Pray and show love to the innocent children, especially the unborn.
Merry Christmas!
Fr. Georges R. Bidzogo sac
Reflection of December 21, 2024.
Reflection of December 21, 2024.
Song of Songs 2; Ps 32; Lc 1:39-45
Bringing Jesus to the world.
God in the Book of Songs invites us to come to him and lead a happy life with him.
Elizabeth rejoices at the visitation of Mary as well as the child in her womb. This is because Mary carries in her, Jesus, the cause of our joy. We, too, can transform the lives of people if we bring to them the Gospel. Like John, they will leap with joy. Like Elizabeth, they will praise God. So never leave Jesus behind. Never walk alone. Don't abandon your faith, your important weapon, the word of God.
Keep in mind, my dear friends, that our God wants to visit you. He visits those who are forgotten, the lowly and the humble. Visit the outcast, the orphans, the lonely, the neglected and the abandoned. Find time to reach those people who are in need of Christ's presence. Bring him to them.
Let's like Mary do this in haste.
Blessed weekend
Fr. Georges sac
Wednesday of the 2nd week in Advent. C. Ps. 103; Isaiah 40: 25-31; Mt. 11:28-30
The end of the year brings all kinds of tiredness: physical, emotional, and psychological. Jesus, make an invitation to u. "Come to Me". Most of the time, we look for man made solutions and trusting God.
Jesus would rather invite us to hand anything beyond our power to him. Whatever disturbs us, let us surrender it to Jesus. He says to us: when we are tired: Come to Jesus; Take his yoke and find rest in him.
Jesus's yoke isn't a burden but a blessing and his own power.
Peace be with you!
Fr. Georges sac
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. Luke 1:26-38
Friends, the Immaculate Conception is one of the Marian dogma. It was declared by Pope IX in 1854 and stipulates that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without any stain of Original Sin in preparation for becoming the Mother of God, the Son Jesus Christ. This was, through a very special grace.
In today's Gospel, the angel refers to Mary as "Kecharitomene", meaning, "full of grace."
God gave Mary a special treatment in order to prepare a worthy vessel for the reception of his Word. Just as the Holy of Holies in the temple was kept pure and inviolate, the definitive Temple, the true Ark of the Covenant, which is Mary herself, should all the more be untrammeled. God, in his plan, made Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, even though she is herself redeemed by the grace of her Son. (Bl. John Duns Scottus).
God's infinite love for humanity is activated through the Immaculate Conception. No wonder the Bible says that He has a plan for each of us. (Jeremiah 29:11)
As the Virgin Mary participated in that plan, so we certainly should today.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Fr. Georges sac
Saturday of the 1st week of Advent. Ps. 146; Isaiah 30:19-26.Mt. 9:35-10, 1.5-8.
Action plan for Advent.
In the first reading, Isaiah invites us to cry out to the Lord for our sins, and he will forgive and restore us. Christmas is about God's faithfulness and unfailing love.
In the Gospel, Jesus, as the Good Pastor, would like each of us to work in his vineyard. The harvest is plentiful but laborers are few. Welcoming him at Christmas implies accepting the mission of becoming his witnesses in this world. For this, there is an action plan.
First, we must pray because everything depends on God's power and initiative.
Second, we must open ourselves to the authority and power that Jesus gives us.
Third, we are sent to the world to seek the lost, cure the sick, and cast out demons. Jesus reminds us however that, the gift of the Godpel is a gratuitous gift that should not be for sale. Freely, we have received, freely we give.
St. Ambrose, pray for us!
Fr. Georges sac
Friday of the 1st week of Advent. Isaiah 29:17-24; Ps. 26; Mt. 9:27-31
Healed from spiritual blindness
Christmas is the celebration of the coming of the Son of God whose light shines in our darkness. It is the restoration of man from all bondages and infirmities. The Advent season helps us to welcome Christ, our light, and our salvation (Ps 27) into our lives and families. When we welcome Christ in our lives, our eyes, blinded by sins and worldly ambitions, deceived by a erroneous understanding of sciences and technology, and the misuse of created things for selfish gain, are opened and enlightened. Once healed by Christ, the Light the world, we can follow him and embrace his mission of healing, mercy, and the restoration of the world.
Dear St. Nicholas, obtain for us the spirit of Christmas, that is the spirit of generosity, care and love for others.
St. Nicholas, pray for us!
Fr. Georges sac
Thursday of the 1st week of Advent. Is 26: 1-6; Ps. 127; Mt. 7:21-27
Solid foundation of faith.
Advent season invites us to deepen the foundation of our faith. For Isaiah depends on the solidity of believers characterized by the fidelity to God's prescriptions and instructions. Such a believer will enter the holy dwelling of God.
In the Gospel, Jesus, compares the Christian life to a building that needs to be build on a very solid foundation in order to stand firm at all seasons. In this season of Advent, please, increase your time of reading and pondering on the Word of God. Multiply your hours of prayer as well as your Church's involvement. Receive the sacrament regularly but always strive to be in a state of grace. Constantly express your gratitude by thanking God for all his benefits and blessings. (Ps 127; Ps 103).
Holy Spirit, help me to deepen my Christian foundations!
Fr. Georges sac
Wednesday of the 1st week of Advent. Isaiah 25:6-10; Ps 22; Mt. 15:29-37
Compassion and love
On this 4th day of Advent, we ponder on the God's
compassion and love. Isaiah shows the compassion of God, who will wipe away all tears from people's eyes and destroy death forever. He will prepare for us a banquet.
Jesus is the embodiment of God's compassion and love as he heals people's diseases, infirmities, evil, pains and he feeds them not only physically but also with his own body and blood (Eucharistic banquet).As we progress in our Advent exercise, we are invited to emulate Jesus's compassionate love in our world today. Compassion is the one of the pill that can bring healing to our broken society. As we prepare for Christmas, let us learn how to share with the needy. At this Christmas, let's open our hearts to give and make a difference; to give and inspire. Life is not all about accumulation but contribution. Many people are needy because so many others are greedy. My friend, be compassionate and generous!
Fr. Georges sac
Tuesday of the 1st week of Advent. Isiah 12:1-10; Ps. 71; Luke 10:21-24
Open your heart to the Holy Spirit.
The time of Advent invites us to be open to the Holy Spirit. Such ability enables us, according to Isaiah, to welcome God's kingdom in our heart and in our midst. With the coming of Christ, enter the messianic era of peace and justice for all and with all (Ps 71)
A life in the spirit opens us to the knowledge of the Son, who is the visible image of the invisible God. Advent is all about building such a friendship with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the cause of our Joy. He has revealed himself and made himself known to us.
Open my heart, Lord. I want to see you!
Fr. Georges sac
November 30, 2024. Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle.
Spreading the Good news
Saint Andrew, the Apostle, patron saint of Scotland, was born in Betsaida in Galilee. He was a fisherman like his brother Peter, whom he introduced to Christ.
In that way, he teaches us to bring others to Jesus once we have known him.
Our personal witness is very important in proclaming the Gospel and in bring other into contact with Christ. Faith comes from hearing the word.
His immediate response to Jesus, teaches us the importance and urgency of leaving our old ways and to follow Jesus even on his way of crucifixion. We will never get lost if we follow Jesus with trust.
Today, Christ is still calling us to be fishers of men. How do I fulfill this mission?
St. Andrew, pray for us!
Fr. Georges sac
November 29, 2024. Rev. 20:1-4, 11-21:2; Ps. 84 Luke 21:29-33
There will be an end for everything.
John, in his vision filled with hope, encourages us as believers to stand firm in the faith. As Jesus mentions it in today's gospel, heaven and earth will pass away, but his words will not pass away. So, at the end of our lives, we will be judged according to our deeds. How faithful are we to the word of God? The book of life has been opened. Only those whose names will be written in will be saved. Fixing our eyes on Christ and not on the things that pass away is the best way to have our names written in the book of life.
Pax Christi,
Fr. Georges sac
November 26, 24. Rev. 14:14-19; Ps 95; Luke 21:5-11.
Harvest's time!
St. John, in today's vision, speaks of the harvest as the final jugement at the end of time. Jesus will harvest the righteous (the seed or the grain) who have been faithful to him. An angel will crush grapes in a winepress. This represents the destruction of the wicked. Today's vision is a beautiful metaphor for the end times pointing out the decisive separation that will occur between good and evil. It begins now as we choose between goodness, virtue, evil, and wickedness. The sicke is near to reap the harvest. Stay alert!
Fr. Georges sac
November 25, 2024. Rv. 14:1-3. 4b-5; Luke 21: 1-4.
November 25, 2024. Rv. 14:1-3. 4b-5; Luke 21: 1-4.
True generosity.
The wisdom in her poverty gives all she has while rich people give out of their abundance. She praises her offering because it expresses true charity. True charity must always be sacrificial. Our true greatness is not revealed in what we have but in what we give. Giving is always trusting that God always provides back. It is on the basis of faith and love that the poor widow could give all she had. Generosity is always the practical expression of love and prayer. While true love is always sacrificial, the generosity of a heart is measured by its ability to pour out for another.
Happy new week.
November 20, 2024. Rv. 4, 1-11; Ps. Luke 19:11-28.
We are accountable
God trusts each person and entrusts gifts and talents accordingly. We are to be acountable. For Jesus, the wrong utilization or the refusal to multiply our gifts and talents are both firms of wikedness that make bad stewar. central Let's make these resolutions. *I will actively utilize my God-given abilities."
I take the responsibility to manage my talents responsibly and not be afraid to take risks in using them for the glory of God.
Fr. Georges sac
November 19,2024. Our Lady of the Providence. Rv 3:1-6.14-22; Ps 14; Luke 19:1-10.
For us, sinners, he came!
Jesus came indeed to save people who were lost, such as Zachaeus, who was living a life of trickery and corruption. Zachaeus's life was spiritually dead like that of the Christians in Sardes and lukewarm like those of Laodecea. Jesus is calling us all to come down from the sycamore tree and to meet with him, dine with him, and receive a new life. Like Zachaeus, we must let go of our sinful way, though comfortable for the joy of being with Christ. For you too, salvation has entered your house!
Pax et bonum
Fr. Georges sac
Thursday of 32nd week year B. Phil. 7-20; Ps. 145; Luke 17: 20-25
We are all brothers and sisters!
St Paul from his prison plead for the change of the status of Onesimus from his well to do friend Philemon. Because of Christ Jesus, whatever status we occupy, we are all brothers and must treat each other like such. May we welcome the truth of the Gospel inviting us to accept each other as Christ brothers and sisters. When Christ comes back will he still find his image in each of us?
Pax et Bonum
Fr. Georges sac
Wednesday of the 32nd week year B. Titus 3,1-7; Ps 22; Luke 17:11-19.
Gratitude is divine
Ten lepers were healed, but only one came back to thank Jesus. This is sad. This expresses our ingratitude. The one leper returns because he realizes that his healing is from the divine. Let's realize that whatever good happens in our lives is the result of God's love and mercy for us.
A lifestyle of gratitude is a lifestyle of wellness. Our troubles end when gratitude begins to be our attitude.
Pax et Bonum
Fr. Georges sac
Tuesday of the 32nd week in Ordinary Time B. St. Josaphat. Titus 2:8-14; Ps 36; Lk 17:7-10;
Tuesday of the 32nd week in Ordinary Time B. St. Josaphat. Titus 2:8-14; Ps 36; Lk 17:7-10;
Be just, and you will be saved
Being just is being morally right and fair. In that way, St. Paul advised us to live according to the holy doctrine and teachings received and each person according to their age and status. The practicing of righteousness, integrity, and self-control should characterize the life of a Christian every day.
In today's Gospel, Jesus himself invites us to be just by being the servant that we called to be. This means, serving without complaining, or expecting anything in return and always think of serving others as person as our privilege and duty. God created us because other people need our help and service. Be just, and you will be saved. Serve and you will be fulfilled.
Pray for the souls in purgatory!
Fr. Georges sac