Women’s Ministry
What is Heart to Heart? We are a group of women desiring to grow in our relationship with Christ and each other. All are welcome at Jesus' table and at ours. We have an open door, open table policy which means you are welcome to join our group at any time even if a study has already begun.
Where do we meet? Holy Redeemer’s Ministry Center (the small school between Holy Redeemer Church and the Family Life Center) last room on the left. All women 18 and over are welcome so spread the word!
Current Study: Women’s Lenten Study
Daily meditations, stories, and wisdom drawn from the lives of the Church’s female visionaries:St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Hildegard of Bingen
Meets every other Tuesday starting March 4, 2025 (March 4, March 18, April 1, April 15, April 29)
6:30 pm in the Holy Redeemer Ministry Center
Books can be purchased on Amazon (approximately $18): https://a.co/d/5AB7bku
To register:
email Mary Finney kidfinster@comcast.net
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a safe and inviting space where women can grow in their knowledge and love of our Lord through a variety of scripture based studies.
All are welcome at the table.