Ministry Catalog
Community Lunch
Our ministry supports our community by gathering for a free lunch every Thursday. Everyone in our community is welcome whether they are homeless, hungry or just want to meet new friends. Our lunch is cooked by volunteers, (something different every week) and served with love.
Contact: Alisa Wells,
Perpetual Adoration Chapel
The Perpetual Adoration Chapel is a place for silent prayer while in the company of the Blessed Sacrament which is exposed in the Monstrance. Perpetual means the chapel is open 24 hours a day, and requires at least 1-2 people in the chapel at all times. Our goal is to fill every hour with 1-2 Committed Adorers so that Christ is never alone.
Contact: Cathy LeBlanc,
Divorce Support
The Divorce Support Ministry aims to help divorced individuals remain connected to their faith and community during a difficult time. The meetings consist of opportunities to grow with one another in discipleship and Christian friendship.
Contact: Christine Deveaux,
Men’s Club
Our ministry maintains the church grounds and buildings. We cut and trim nearly 29 acres of lawn each week. We assist in various building projects for our church and it's ministries. We are the handymen for Holy Redeemer Church.
Contact: Fred Muzer,
Holy Redeemer Council of Catholic Women
The purpose of the Holy Redeemer Council of Catholic Women is to unite the women of Holy Redeemer Parish for the spiritual, social, and educational good of its members and for the welfare of the parish. We also raise funds for specific needs, with priority given to the Sanctuary.
Contact: Teresa Sherman-Gach,
Grief to Grace
Our mission is to be a conduit of grace as we encounter hurting individuals. God didn’t promise to remove pain, but He offers grace that is sufficient to see us through this pain. One gift we can offer others is to be present in their pain. The physical presence of another human being can bring significant comfort to those who are suffering.
Contact: Dianne Plumley,
Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministers are those who serve at Mass both on weekdays and weekends. The various roles include: Altar servers, Altar set up captain, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, office volunteers, readers, technology and Welcome Ministers. We train and schedule those who actively participate in the Mass. Whether you want to serve once or twice a month, we schedule your service at Mass to fit your availability. An app is utilized to accommodate your schedule and planned vacation times. You will find new meaning in the Mass through offering your service and time to the work of the liturgy.
Contact: Daniel Schmit,
Ministry of Hospitality
Our ministry's goal is to provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment at all masses. Our ministers are trained in hospitality, safety and First Aid. In addition we assist in taking up the various collections at Mass and distribution of bulletins after Mass.
Contact: Gary Drago, 810-771-5760
Young At Heart
We provide lunch for anyone that is retired and would like to meet new people from church. It is very casual and lots of fellowship. We meet 3rd Wednesday of month, September, October, November and January thru May at noon in the Family Life Center.
Contact: Debbie Summers,
Our ministry provides groceries and some personal items to those in need. We also occasionally help with rent or utilities when money is available. We are always in need of non-perishable food items and small size personal care items.
New Apostles Youth Group
New Apostles is a community of young people who are seeking to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ. Teens are equipped and empowered to share the love of God and the Good News of the Gospel, while having a great time doing it!
Contact: John J Mira,
Knights of Columbus Council 10170
The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Knights are men who worship and serve the Lord, and serve our neighbors. Knights defend life from womb to tomb, feed and clothe the poor, and care for widows and orphans. Pope Saint John Paul II described the Knights as "the strong right arm of the Church.
Contact: Mike Wilson,
SEEKERS - Children’s Ministry
SEEKERS is Holy Redeemer’s religious education program on Sunday evenings from September to May for kids K-7. More than just a religious education program, SEEKERS aims to introduce kids to the fullness and beauty of Catholicism lived out in a dynamic and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Kids are given the opportunity to encounter the living Jesus, through praise and worship, Eucharistic adoration, prayers, small group discussions and age appropriate retreats. SEEKERS is also the program through which kid’s prepare to receive the sacraments at Holy Redeemer, whether it’s Baptism, First Reconciliation, Communion or Confirmation.
Contact: Raffy Urgino,
Kingdom Kids
Kingdom Kids is Holy Redeemer's Children's Liturgy program for children 4-8 years old. It is held during the 11am Sunday Mass from September to May. The Sunday Gospel is presented in an engaging, age appropriate way, through songs, Gospel skits, activities and prayer.
Contact: Raffy Urgino,
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is Holy Redeemer's Religious Education Annual Summer Event. Normally held Monday to Thursday afternoons toward the latter part of June. Kids learn scriptural and biblical truths through songs, skits, games, activities, age appropriate teaching, reflections and prayer. VBS is provided free of charge to all those who would like to participate.
Contact: Raffy Urgino,
This Ministry is specifically dedicated to reaching those beyond our church walls by giving parishioners opportunities to bring those who have been away or never been to Church. In the past Holy Redeemer's Evangelization Ministry has run retreats, Alpha courses, home visits and ecumenical worship services.
Contact: Raffy Urgino,
Communion for Homebound
We are a group of volunteers who take communion to those who are unable to attend mass. This is a very gratifying ministry as very close relationships develop with our homebound parishioners. We are ALWAYS in need of volunteers. At your convenience, training and supplies are provided for your weekly visits.
Contact: Karen Thornton,
Heart to Heart - Women's Ministry
Our mission is to provide a safe and inviting space where women can grow in their knowledge and love of our Lord through a variety of scripture based studies and also develop meaningful friendships based on their mutual love of Christ
Contact: Tina Belanger,
Becoming Catholic / OCIA
Whether you're just curious, wanting a few answers about the Catholic Faith, or ready to dive in and become Catholic, OCIA (formerly called the RCIA) is right for you. These sessions are the perfect opportunity to learn about the Catholic Faith either for the first time, or the 100th time. We welcome anyone who wants to deepen their understanding, and come to embrace the Church's teachings regarding the Mass, Creed, Sacraments, Ten Commandments, and Prayer.
Contact: Emily Arthur,
Church Office Volunteer
Office Volunteers generally answer the phone, assist parishioners who come to the office, provide chapel key fobs, take mass intentions, organize information, make signage, make name tags, stuff bulletins, replace candles, record sacraments, and assist the office staff in any special projects. Note: Some volunteers do things that others do not.
Contact: Alisa Wells,
Church Communications
This ministry is dedicated to our parish's online and printed publications. Our goal is to communicate the truth and goodness of God's word, and the teachings and workings of His Church through engaging and beautiful media.
Contact: Emily Arthur,
Divine Mercy / Precious Blood Devotions
The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us – all of us. And, He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. These devotions are prayed every Friday at 3:00p.m.
Contact: Fr. Georges.