What is Stewardship?
The members of Holy Redeemer Catholic Church are called to be part of a grateful community, a prayerful community and a giving community, our focus is to put God first in our lives.
Stewardship is a way of life, a way of thanking God for all His blessings by returning a planned portion of time, talent and treasure to the Church and community. Stewardship involves being grateful for those unique gifts given by God to each person and sharing those gifts with the members of the Church and the community at large. Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, recognizing God as the origin of life, the giver of freedom and the source of all we have, are and will be.
Stewardship is living a commitment to God, not only in a single action, but it is a way of life. Stewardship is the growing of faith among the people individually and as a parish as a whole. Gratitude is our response to gifts given from God. Some can give everything—but everyone can give something—in time, talent and treasure. It is the road on which Jesus invites us to travel with Him.
Opportunities to Give Back
Stewardship Commitment
Please fill out the form below.
Stewardship Newsletters - “The Mustard Seed”
Four Pillars of Stewardship
What does it mean to be a welcoming parish?
How can I be more welcoming?
What does a parish of prayer look like?
How can I pray for my Church?
What does formation look like on the parish level?
How can I grow in my faith?
How does a parish serve its members, community, and world?
How can I serve in my world?
More Ways to Give Back
Kroger Rewards Program
To be a participant in the Community Rewards Program, you must sign up each year. All participants must reapply for the Church to earn funds. The Community Rewards Program does not affect your Kroger’s Rewards you are currently earn. If you were signed up last year, you need to reply. Call 1-866-221-4141 and have your Kroger card handy. They will want the 12 digit number on the back of the card. They will also ask for our Organization number, which is #90095.
Legacy Giving
Every charitable organization can greatly benefit from the legacy giving of its parishioners and family members. Holy Redeemer would like to help you with this type of giving.
Education Trust
The vision of the trust is to produce income to provide ongoing services to the Catholic Community of Holy Redeemer long into the future.
Stewardship Commitment
If your family has decided to commit their lives to God in every way, or if you would like more information on stewardship, then please, contact Fr. Georges. We would love to hear your story!
Where Have My Envelopes Gone?
If you currently receive envelopes, you probably have noticed that your packets have gotten smaller. That is because we are no longer mailing certain envelopes . These envelopes are located by all of the bulletin racks by the doors of the church. Since the packets have gotten smaller we will be mailing envelopes every other month, which will result in significant postage savings. We also want to encourage the use of on-line giving. We currently have 275 families that give on-line and therefore they do not want or need envelopes. Please consider signing up for on-line giving.