Grief to Grace
Faith is not an insurance policy against pain and suffering. God didn’t promise to remove pain, but He offers grace that is sufficient to see us through this pain. One gift we can offer others is to be present in their grief. The physical presence of another human being can bring significant comfort to those who are suffering. Our mission in Grief to Grace is to be a conduit of grace as we encounter hurting people.
Who is Grief to Grace for?
Adults who are journeying through grief or anguish experienced after the significant loss of a loved one.
When is the next session?
Next session dates will be announced soon!
We are offering this ministry free of charge. Donations are accepted and appreciated.
Signing up
Please fill out the form below so we can prepare materials for our first session
Any questions please reach out to Dianne Plumley at 810-397-7299 or email: