CCW - Council of Catholic Women
Our Mission Statement
"The purpose of the Holy Redeemer Council of Catholic Women is to unite the women of Holy Redeemer Parish for the spiritual, social, and educational good of its members and for the welfare of the parish, and to raise funds for specific needs, with priority given to the Sanctuary."
National CCW Mission Statement
"The National Council of Catholic Women acts through its affiliated organizations to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world."
About Us
Our meetings are held the first Wednesday after the first Sunday of every month September-May in the Family Life Center. We begin with a potluck dinner and fellowship at 6:00 PM, followed by our business meeting. Our main purpose is to care for the needs of the altar, which includes the communion wine, wafers, linens, vestments for the priests and altar servers, palms and ashes, and other needs as they arise. We also sponsor two scholarship programs, one for a graduating high school senior, and one for women pursuing further education. We support Holy Redeemer Outreach, Heartbeat of Flint, Right to Life, various national and international charities, and other needs of the parish. We hold several events to raise funds for these programs--these include our annual scrapbooking weekend, bake sales, and Christmas cookie walk. We also sponsor several social events to bring together members of our parish and community, including a mini-Lenten retreat, wine tasting, and euchre tournaments co-sponsored with the Knights of Columbus.
Board Members
Teresa Sherman-Gach
Karen Thornton
Sylvia Walton
Jennifer Mikonczyk
Natalie Butler
Lorraine Nemecek
Meeting Dates (2024-2025)
September 4
October 9
November 6
December 4
January 8
February 5
March 5
April 9
May 7
Other important dates
Fall Bake Sale--September 16-17
Scrapbook weekend--November 10-11
Cookie Walk--December 9-10
February Bake Sale--February 8-9