Daily Reflections, 04 July 2023.

In this passage of the Gospel of Mat 8: 23-27, we read the story of our daily experience of the crossing of the sea. there is so much storm in the boat, the Church, even the world yet

Jesus seems to be asleep. But He was asleep for a reason. In human history, God has always seemed to be absent or “asleep” when turmoil, persecution, and hardship have arisen. Many of us have the same feeling that we are abandoned. Like the disciples let us never despair but turn to the Lord in prayer. “Lord, save us!

We are perishing!” Although Jesus rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith and their fear, He also responds to their pleas and calms the storm. The Lord will not only calm the storms of your life, he will put an end to it.

Precious blood of Jesus, save us and the whole world.


*Under God's Protection (Gens 18: 23)*

"Will you indeed destroy the righteous with the wicked?"

When the outcry of the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah reached a peak, God was so determined to destroy them.

Then Abraham, "the friend of God" (2 Chron 20: 7; Isa 41: 8; James 2:23) stood before the Lord, drew near and boldly prayed to the Lord whose fountain of mercies can never dry up.

Be that righteous man or woman through whom the rest of your household, village, your city or the world.

"For the sake of ten, I will not destroy the city"(Gen 18:32)

May Jesus, Our great advocate and our intercessor to the Father, intercedes, for each of us as always. Amen

*Paix et Bonheur*


*Daily Reflections, 03 July 2023. Feast of St Thomas.* *John 20:24-29*

*Jesus' visible wound*

On this feast of the Apostle, Thomas, the twin, I would like to consider an important aspect of our Christianity, namely: touching the wounds of the risen Christ in our daily life.

By inviting the Apostle Thomas to place his hand on his side, Jesus asserted that:

1) He is truly risen and alive. We must profess our faith in the divinity of Christ.

2)His wounds will continue to be visible on the bodies of all who are hungry, thirty, naked, humiliated or slaves, marginalized, in prisons or in hospitals.

3)We must touch, caress, heal the wounds of Jesus by doing our works of mercy.

O Most precious blood of Jesus Christ, heal the wounds in the most sacred heart of Jesus!

*Have a blessed week!*


Under God's Protection (2 Kings 4:16)

Under God's Protection (2 Kings 4:16)

"At this season, when the time comes round, you shall embrace a son."

This was the powerful blessing of Prophet Elisha to righteous Shunammite woman who generously welcomed him in their home.

Although the woman was barren, she never exposed her situation to the Holy man of God. Yet the prophet blessed her with a child. People who trust God focus on doing good and leave the rest up to God.

Generosity toward those in need opens a room for God's miracles (Cf. Gen18).

The Lord sees the secret wish and hears the prayers of his servants on behalf of their benefactors.

I declare a New season, happiness, healing, grace, peace and laughter unto you and your household by the power of the most precious blood of Jesus Christ! Amen.


*Under the Protection of God*

*(Ps 41 : 1-2)*

*A culture of hospitality*

*"Happy is the one who considers the poor! In the day of distress, the Lord delivers him; the Lord protects him and keeps him alive"*

We are truly blessed when we care for others.

By supporting others we find strength. By providing hospitality, we enrich ourselves beyond measure. The act of welcoming Christ’s messengers as instructed in the Gospel (Mt 10:37-42) becomes a deep spiritual practice—a way to connect with the Divine in us and foster a deeper understanding of our common humanity.

May we cultivate a culture of hospitality, a culture of love, friendship, respect and solidarity towards all human beings because in all of us, Christ is present. This is the root of our divine security - friendship with one another!

Precious blood of Jesus, save us and Save the whole world!

*Under God's Protection*

*(Revelation 12:12a)*

*"They loved not their lives even unto death"*

Every 30th June, we remember the first martyrs of the Holy Roman Church. From the Roman martyrology, we read:

"At Rome, in the time of Nero, the commemoration of many holy martyrs, who were accused of having set fire to the city, and cruelly put to death in various manners by the emperor’s order. Some were covered with the skins of wild beasts and lacerated by dogs; others were fastened to crosses, others again were delivered to the flames to serve as torches in the night. All these were disciples of the Apostles, and the first fruits of the martyrs, which the Roman Church, a field so fertile in martyrs, offered to God before the death of the Apostles".

*"Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord" (Rom 14:8)*

The saints' reward is from God; they died for Christ and will live for ever. Amen.

*Daily Reflections, 30 June 2023. Gen. 17; Mt 8: 1-4*

Today's liturgy offer us the narratives of Abraham and Sarah's change of names by God and the encounter of Jesus with the leper.

Through the Readings, the themes of restoration, divine intervention, covenant relationship, and the role of faith and obedience in our spiritual journey are highlighted. God's power has no limitations. Old age or barrenness or blindness cannot stop God from bringing about his salvific plan, healing and blessings in the lives of His people.

What matters is our faithful relationship with Him, our obedience of faith. The healing of the leper shows God's power to restore health and bring about physical and spiritual wholeness when we approach him in faith and humility.

By accepting God's covenant to follow him faithfully, the original names, Abram, ie, 'exalted father' and Sarai, ie, 'my princess' are respectively changed to Abraham, 'father of a multitude' and Sara (Princess).

*Prayer:* O God who is always active in our lives, I pray that you may change my status, my name, my hopeless story and my situation today through Christ our Lord.

Pax et Bonum


*Under God's Protection (Psalm 147:12)*

*"Glorify the Lord, Jerusalem! Praise God, O Zion!"*

On this evening of our 15th anniversary to the priesthood, Fr Hervé Pascal and myself, Fr Georges Roger, what has been flowing in my whole being is "Praise & Gratitude"

For God's mercy and loving care for All his creation endure for ever (147:1-2). He has made us chanels of this ministry of mercy. "Praise & Gratitude"

For his strength, his goodness, his unfailing health, his peace, his Providence, and his blessings always surround us(147:13-15)."Praise & Gratitude"

For his grace and righteousness and his salvation (Ps 7:17) by calling us out of darkness, out of nothingness into his marvellous light (1Peter 2:9) "Praise & Gratitude"

For he has made us a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for his own possession (1Peter 2:9)

Glorify the Lord with me and exalt the mighty name of Jesus. Alleluia!

*Pax et Bonum!*


Daily Reflections, 29 June 2023. Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.

Special prayer request on this 15th anniversary of priesthood of Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac and Fr Hervé Pascal Okolong sac. *Pray for us*

Peter and Paul are two great apostles, our ancestors in the faith who handed over to us the message of life.

I rejoice in celebrating Peter and Paul as two great saints but much more as two Christians who teach us in our witnesses, imperfections and struggles, to grow daily in faith. The more they realised their imperfections, the closer they drew to God. May we increase our trust in "Christ, the Son of the living God" (Mt 16:14). Faith is indeed a very demanding and arduous journey.

Thank you Father for this wonderful vocation to the priesthood. Bless all who have helped us to be where we are today by your grace. Bless all those we are ministering each day. Help us to use every opportunity to grow in trust in the Lord. Amen.

Happy feast of of St Peter's and Paul.

*Under God's Protection*


"Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing."

A good relationship with Jesus assures you of everything : fecundity, grace, strength and refreshment, security, protection and nourishment... Yet the absence of a relationship with Christ leads to dryness and spiritual death.

*Pax et Bonum*


*Daily Reflections, 28 June 2023. Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Doctors, Martyr*

Bear good fruits.

In today's Gospel, Jesus gives us a criteria of discerning and differentiating the good and the bad disciples, the true and false prophets. As Jésus disciples we must only bear good fruits through our daily actions. True followers will indeed avoid false prophets, false teachings, wrong doing, evil deeds, immorality, drug, lies, greed, materialism, gluttony and any other sin.

Good disciples are reputed to have a good heart.

Lord mold our heart, and refashion them so that we may bear good fruits. Amen.

*Under God's Protection*

(Ps 19:2)

Divine Light

"Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge"

Every day, every night declares the glory of God. As time goes, God's infinite wisdom and knowledge is revealed to us through the Gospel's ministry.

Thank you Lord for filling us with your divine light, miracles, knowledge and wisdom daily.

*Pax et Bonum*


*Daily Reflections, 27 June 2023. Matthew 7:6,12-14; Genesis 13:2,5-18.*

Treat others very well.

Jesus's profound lesson today runs throughout the ages. Always treating others as you would like them to treat you is indeed the meaning of the Law and the Prophets; it is a principle of peace and harmony in society; it is our guidance in our interactions and relationships. Jesus encourages us to approach others with compassion, empathy, and kindness as Abraham treated Lot in the First Reading. Rather than asserting his own desires or asserting his right to choose first, Abram selflessly offered Lot the first choice of land. That is a very good example of the golden rule. Be good.

Lord help us become instruments of divine love, working everyday at transforming the world around us.

Sacred heart of Jesus, May your kingdom come!


*Under God's Protection (Genesis 12:2)*

*“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing."*

Abraham's response to divine call was connected to God's blessings!Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, everyone who believes in Christ, shares in these promises made to Abraham.

In Christ, you are made a great nation; you are blessed; your name is made great; you are a blessing!

May God's cup of blessings be your portion in Jesus name. Amen.

*Pax et Bonum!*


Daily Reflections, 26 June 2023. Gen 12:1-9; Mt 7:1-7.

Radical transformation

By requesting Abraham to leave his country, his family and father's house, God is calling us to a radical change. Our journey of faith beckons us to step beyond our comfort zones, our human securities and to even to leave behind us the familiar so that we can embrace the unknown, the true promised land. Thanks to Abraham's obedience of faith.
To achieve this goal, Jesus invites us to examine our own hearts before seeking to change others, that is personal conversion, self-transformation. We must allow God's transformative power (his grace) at work within us to remove the barriers hindering our positive relationship with God and with one another.

Prayer: Lord, increase our faith, hope and charity so that our personal conversion may help us become agent of change in our world today.

Sacred heart of Jesus, may your kingdom come!


Under God's Protection - Jeremiah 20: 11-13

"But the LORD is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten" Be watchful - know that the Lord is with you as a Mighty warrior."

Like Jeremiah, you must realize that you are never alone. God is with you like a violent warrior.

You are not on the losing side. You are going to win your battles over your enemies

Peace and grace be with you!


*Daily Reflections, 25June 2023. Jer 20: 10; Rom 5: 12-15; Mt.10: 26-33.*

*Adam as opposed to Christ.*

Paul in Romans 5:12-15 opposes Adam to Christ not as equals, but he opposes two types of behaviours.

Adam's behaviour leads to spiritual death. Christ behaviour leads to life. Adam did not correspond to God's project of life. In order to be truly alive, we must be suspended to God's life. By desobeying God, Adam and Eve separated themselves from God's project of live. This lead to be spiritually dead.

Adam is the prototype of that humanity that is seeking its breath of life outside God's. That's lack of confidence and trust in God. They wanted to become their own gods. That is cause of their spiritual death.

Opposed to this wrong attitude of Adam, Christ is totally obedient to God, his Father. His food is to do the will of the Father (John 4: 34). Because of Him, all of us, 'little Adam' can now be reintegrated into a loving relationship with the Father. Do we allow ourselves to live as the new Adam, Jesus Christ who gives us life or do we do want to seek our happiness outside God's love like Adam and we will harvest spiritual death?

May we live according to God's love and grace and have abundant life!

Happy Sunday!


*Under God's Protection*

*Revelation 2:10*

*You will triumph*

"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown."

As believers we will continue to suffer persecution and even death. The devil is responsible for this. However, Jesus tells us not to be afraid, for our heavenly Father values us more than many sparrows (Mt 10:29)

Keep me faithful, Lord Jesus. I know you cannot leave me or forsake me. I will not fear. What can a man do to me?

Remain blessed under God's protection


Daily Reflections, 24 June 2023, The Birth of John the Baptist.

God has a plan for us

Just as God chose Israel to reveal his splendor to other nations, so he did the same for David as a king, to be the ancestor through whom Jesus was to come, so was John Baptist chosen to be the forerunner of Jesus. He also has a plan for each of us.

Everyone born is designed to fulfil God's purpose for their lives. Let us ask ourselves: what is God's purpose in my life? God has a time in fulfilling his plan. Delay is never denial. Things happen at God's own time and not at our own time.

His name is John, which means God is gracious.

May God always be gracious to us!

St. John the Baptist, pray for us!


Under God's Protection

(*Ps. 34: 17 )*

*"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles."

Life is full of problems, troubles and crises but God promises to be close to you and deliver you from all of them.

Prayer: God my Rock, my Refuge, my Strength, my fortress, please save me from all my troubles through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Blessed weekend!