Holy Redeemer Vacation Bible School 2024: "Detective Academy and the Mystery of the Mass"

Calling all young detectives! Get ready for an unforgettable adventure to discover the amazing, wonderful and amazing truths of our Catholic faith at Holy Redeemer's Vacation Bible School 2024: "Detective Academy and the Mystery of the Mass." Move over, Indiana Jones, Sherlock Holmes and even Dora the Explorer - even they will marvel at what our young sleuths will discover.

This year, we're diving into the incredible invisible spiritual realities that happen during a Catholic Mass. As young detectives, your kids will explore how we are right there at the Last Supper, how we hear Jesus himself speak in the readings, and how Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is really and truly made present at every Mass. There’ll be songs, skits, games, and all that Holy Spirit-filled awesomeness that you can expect at every Holy Redeemer event. Plus, it's 100% FREE and open to all kids from Kindergarten to 8th grade, whether or not they are parishioners. It's the perfect opportunity for your kids to make new friends, have fun, and deepen their faith.

Key Details:

  • Main VBS Week for K-5th Graders: Monday, June 24 to Thursday, June 27, from 1pm to 4pm with the last day ending at 5pm.

  • Captains Week for 6th-8th Graders (to prepare for their roles, run skits and lead songs the following week): Tuesday, June 18 to Thursday, June 20, from 1pm to 5pm, with an overnight retreat on Thursday night ending on Friday morning.

  • Cost: FREE

Pre-Registration Required

This year we will be implementing a pre-registration rule in order to be well prepared and make sure that there are enough volunteers to keep every young sleuth safe and able to make the most of that Vacation Bible School fun and faith.

Though registration will run until the weekend before, sign your kids up by Friday, June 7th, to ensure that they get their free "Detective Academy" shirt! After that date, we can’t promise that your kid will get a shirt (or in the right size) but we will try our best. Plus, we are only able to take a maximum of 20 kids for each of our rotation groups. So, even better yet, sign your kids up today by clicking on one of the registration buttons below or by printing and dropping off a paper form at the parish office. Your registration will be confirmed once you receive the official VBS24 Welcome email. 

This is an opportunity you don't want your kids to miss! Get ready for a week filled with adventure, faith, and fun. Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join us at Vacation Bible School 2024: "Detective Academy and the Mystery of the Mass." If you have any questions, please email holyredeemervbs.hrc@gmail.com or call the parish office. We can't wait to see your young detectives at Holy Redeemer's Vacation Bible School 2024!

Questions about VBS?
Rafael Urgino
Director of Religious Education and Evangelization