Daily Reflections, 08 August 2023. St. Dominique, Priest.

Life of humility, service and holiness

St Dominique was born from a wealthy family in 1170 at Caleruega in Spain and died on 06 August 1221 at Bologna in Italy. He founded the Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans) in 1215. Their main role was to defend the Catholic faith against the heretics.

In an age where the world is often characterized by uncertainty and spiritual darkness, the example of St. Dominic remains a guiding light. His legacy challenges us to lead with humility, to seek repentance in our lives, and like St Peter, to walk on the waters of faith with relentless trust in God.
Let us also embrace his message of hope illumination, and an enduring call to shine as lights in a dark world that thirsts for the light of Christ - Jesus.

St. Dominique, pray for us!
Father Georges “Gee” sac


Daily Reflections, 07 August 2023. Mt 14:13-21.

Sharing, the secret of multiplication

The story of the multiplication of the loaves and fish is a power paradigm for us Christians today. In a world of greed and corruption, injustices and inequality, the story highlights the power and the importance of love and sharing within our families and communities today.

As Christians, we must put ourselves at the school of the Eucharist, that is the school of love and sharing. We must totally place our trust in God by sharing what we have. The secret of the multiplication resides in sharing whatever we have with others..

Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us!

Fr. Georges "Gee" sac


*Daily Reflections, Sunday 06 August. Transfiguration of Jesus.*

Behind the cross, lies the glory.

The feast of transfiguration occurs 40 days before the feast of the triumph of the cross. On this day, we are invited to see beyond the veils of suffering that sometimes shroud our vision. Just as the disciples witnessed Christ's radiant glory beyond his earthly appearance, we too are called to see beyond the surface of our challenges and understand that we are on an exodus with Christ for a better future.

The feast of the Transfiguration reminds us that change is possible even in the midst of adversity. The journey towards glory embraces the cross.

Transfiguration means for today that, our collective hope continues to shine through the darkest moments of our history.
Our trials will never be permanent!

Happy Sunday



Daily Reflections, 05 August 2023. Leviticus 25: 1, 8-17; Ps 66; Mt 14: 1-12

Champions of Divine Justice.

Dear friends in Christ, in a society tortured by inequality, exploitation, abuse of power, corruption, the pursuit of power and riches at the expense of the weak and the poor, today's readings invite us to reappropriate divine justice not as a mere concept, but as divine mandate. The Book of Leviticus 25, 1, 8-17 is urging us to create a just society where all can flourish.

According to today's responsorial Psalm 66(67), we will be able to create just communities when we are faithful to God's unchanging teachings and laws.

Matthew's Gospel cautions us on the paths we choose. Unlike Herod, a coward, a man of flesh, we must choose the enduring path of righteousness of John the Baptist, who followed the voice of the spirit and truth.

Let us be champions of divine justice, which is an expression of God's own heart. Let us embrace God's faithful guidance, allowing His wisdom to illuminate our choices. May our lives become a symphony of divine justice and truth.

Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us!

Father G. R. Bidzogo sac


Daily Reflections, 04 August 2023. St John Mary Vianney. Levitus 23:1-37; Ps 80; Mt 13:54-58

Father Vianney as an example for us today. 

Today, we celebrate saint John Mary Vianney, born in a very humble family. What a shining example for us today, especially for priest.  

The First Reading from Leviticus (23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34-37) reveals the sacredness of priestly ministry and the significance of being "set apart" for divine service. St. John Vianney, from his early years, displayed an extraordinary desire to dedicate his life to God's service. Despite encountering difficulties in his studies, he remained steadfast, guided by an unconditional love for the Eucharist. In the same way, Leviticus calls priests to consecrate themselves to God, to be set apart as vessels of His grace. St Vianney became such a vessel through his life of penance, prayer and thanksgiving (Ps 80 (81). He spent long hours in confession and in adoration of the blessed sacrament. His soul was aflame with gratitude for God’s merciful presence. However Vianney encountered the same challenge that Jesus faced in today’s Gospel (Mt 13:54-58). The prophet will always face oppositions, especially within his own community. Yet he remained an inspiration of faith and hope calling us to trust in God’s mercy and love and to bear witness to his presence in the world.  May the example of St John Vianney enlighten us!

Happy feast day to all Priests!


*Daily Reflections 03 July 2023. Mt 13:47-53

Good or bad fish

Our God is patient. The net that is thrown into the sea is a symbol of inclusiveness. God's salvation embraces all of us. The parable invites us to foresee the final judgment. There will definitely be a separation between the edible (good fish) and inedible fish caught by a net. He calls us to be patient as he is and give ourselves and others a chance to grow in holiness.

Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us!

Father Georges sac


Daily Reflections, 02 August 2023. Exodus 34: 29-35; PS 98; Mt 13: 34-46

Effects of divine encounter

No one can encounter the divine and remain the same. The transformative effect of every encounter with the divine has a direct effect on the person who is encountered. Moses met with God at the mountain and his radiant countenance, bears witness to the transformative glory of being in God's direct presence.

For the psalmist the encounter with God provides security, guidance and protection. (PS 98)
Jesus' parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price, reveal that the encounter with the kingdom of heave demands a complete reorientation of life's priorities. Divine encounters are reel everyday. All we need is:

1) To open our hearts to divine in our daily lives

2) To have constant moments of prayer, worship and praise the Lord and read the Scriptures.

3) To open our eyes of faith and our hearts of love so that we can encounter our fellow human beings as bearers of the divine image. The truth is that, each encounter, carries the potential for transformation.

Prayer: Father may the radiance of your love shine through our lives. May your loving presence transform us into agents of your grace and compassion in the church and in the world.

Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us!

Father Georges sac


Daily Reflections 31 July 2023. St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest. Matthew (13:31-35).

Saint Ignatius Loyola helps us to examine our own paths and the seeds of desire planted within us. Just as the mustard seed grows into a great tree and the yeast leavens the whole batch of dough, our seemingly insignificant desires and longings can blossom into a profound divine friendship when nurtured by God's grace. Like Saint Ignatius, may we embrace our spiritual journey with humility and openness to God's transforming love. Let us heed the call to divine friendship, allowing God to reshape our hearts and direct our steps toward lives of purpose and spiritual abundance. As we commemorate the Memorial of Saint Ignatius Loyola, let us be inspired by his profound transformation and seek divine friendship in every aspect of our lives. May his life of humble surrender and passionate devotion spur us to deepen our relationship with God, moving from soldiers of my earthly pursuits to saints in pursuit of divine friendship



Daily Reflections, 30 July 2023. 1Kings 3: 5.7-12; Mt 13: 44-46.

Discovering the true treasure

Today's readings remind us that the heart of our search for happiness should be grounded in seeking God's wisdom like Salomon in the first reading (1Kings 3: 5.7-12). Our true treasure consists in loving, and embracing God's Word, trusting in His providence, and valuing God's eternal kingdom. By seeking these profound gifts, we discover a treasure far greater than any earthly possession - a life in communion with the Creator of all things. Let us, therefore, fix our hearts on the true treasure that awaits us in God's love, grace, and kingdom, as we journey through life with faith and hope. Indeed we have been called for this purpose: chosen by God; redeemed by him, justified and glorified by God. Through prayer, we must rediscover this timeless treasure, that is eternal communion with God.

*O Most precious blood of Jesus, Save us and the whole world.*

*Father G. R. BIDZOGO SAC*


*Daily Reflections , 29 July 2023** *John 11:19-27**

*Friendship with Jesus*

As we commemorate Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, we are invited to open our hearts to the transformative power of God's love. Like them, may we build a home for Jesus in our hearts—a place where faith, hospitality, and attentive listening flourish. In the sacredness of our heart, we do encounter the Risen Christ; we draw so closer to the heart of God. If we are to benefit from today 's liturgy, we must allow the bond of friendship with Jesus to be the foundation of our lives. This is what inspires us to live as witnesses of His love and agents of resurrection in a world yearning for hope and salvation.

Ok most precious blood of Jesus Christ, refine the world!



*Daily Reflections, 28 July 2023.* *Exodus 20: 1-17* ; *Mt 13: 18-23*

*The power of God's word*

Dear children of God, today's readings remind us of the power of God's word as we can read from the Letter to the Hebrews (4:12): "The Word of God is something alive and active, it cuts more finely than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and can judge secret emotions and thoughts." The word of God can cause what Leon Festinger calls: *"cognitive dissonance".* It causes mental discomfort that challenges and transforms our innermost thoughts, our cultures, our mindsets, our ways, our attitudes, decisions and our styles. Our response to its cognitive dissonance will determine how positive and fruitful our lives will become.

Like the Israelites, we are invited to embrace the Decalogue, God's code of conduct and instructions as the path to true freedom and fulfillment (Exodus 20:1-17).

We are encouraged, like the psalmist (Ps 18) to delight in God's law, allowing it to reshape our hearts and minds. In the same manner, the parable of the sower invites us to allow our hearts to be receptive so that they can yield an abundant harvest.

We must cooperate with God's Word, allowing it to challenge and transform us from within.

O Most precious blood of Jesus Christ, praise and honour to you for ever!

*Father G. R. BIDZOGO SAC*


Under God's Care and Protection Novena to St. Anne.

Every year, we honour St Anne and Joachim, the grandparents of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

I would like us to appeal to the intercession of St Anne for employment. You might not need a job at the moment, but your husband, your children, your friends, and billions of people may need employment. Please let us join by praying for them. Employment is important as it helps people to take care of their material needs for them & their families.

Let us pray:

Day 1 - St. Anne Novena:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O St. Anne, we love you and appreciate your status as the grandmother of Jesus, our brother and Saviour. We are aware of your compassion and care. Please pray for me and for all those who are in need of employment.!

I am ever grateful for your unceasing intercession before your Lord and your grandchild. I thank Jesus because of his mercy and his Providence. God is my provider and of all those who trust in him. I know that, he will provide a beautiful employment to (Me..) or someone (mention the people you are praying for) this week.)

I thank you Lord for your plan is the best and your time is unopposed. I know that, you work everything for the good of your people whom you had redeemed with a great prize. I'm grateful, Lord. I'm confident that you never abandon me or allow these children of yours to suffer because of your love and for the intercession of Saint, your grandmother.

Therefore, I come to you Lord through the prayer of Saint for ....

(Mention your intentions here).

Above all, dear Saint Anne, pray that I may be open to God’s will as you were, that is with tender love, patience, perseverance in faith and hope, and with absolute trust in the Lord’s plan for all his creature.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Testimonies: Remember to give testimony after the Lord has blessed you in one way or the other... Open your heart and your eyes to see things that God changes in your existence.

St Anne, grand mother of the Lord, please pray for us!



Daily Reflections, 25 July 2023. Feast of St James, Apostle.

Self- sacrifice

St James, Apostle of the Lord, teaches us that true greatness is not found in seeking positions of honour and power. Rather we must humbly carry the treasure of God's love within our fragile hearts. Saint James' strong faith and devotion remind us every encounter with Christ is powerful. It liberates and restores our souls.

Every Apostle has something to tach us: the life of a disciple must be a life of selfless service, joyous trust in God's providence, and accepting and embracing our weakness as a vessel for divine grace.

Lord Jesus teach us at all times that true discipleship means means: humble service and self-sacrifice.

St James, pray for us!



Daily Reflections, 23 July 2023. *Happy grand-parents Sunday!

Today's readings call us to enter into the profound mystery of God's patience and mercy. Without patience and mercy, our living together become impossible.

In the Book Wisdom (12:13,16-19), the Lord, in His immeasurable wisdom, shows patience towards all, granting sinners time to repent. He is forgiving and kind ( PS 85) We must do the same as we surrender our weaknesses to the Holy Spirit Who intercedes for us in wordless groaning (Rom 8:26-27).

The Gospel of Matthew (13:24-43) reveal profound truths about God's Kingdom. The parables of the wheat and the weeds, the mustard seed and the yeast, all symbolise God's patience and mercy in the process of growth and transformation. God always gives sinners a chance to change their ways. "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."(2 Peter 3:9)

Thank you Jesus for your loving kindness, patience and mercy towards us. Amen.



Under God's Protection (John 19:26)

Mary Magdalene, a courageous disciple

"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene"

Mary Magdalene's presence at the foot of the cross during Christ's crucifixion underscores the depth of her faithfulness and her willingness to endure the pain of witnessing her beloved Saviour's suffering. Her unshakable loyalty is an inspiration for all of us to stand courageously in times of trial, to bear witness to Christ's sacrifice, and to embrace the transformative power of divine mercy.

Be a courageous witness of Christ!



*Under God's Protection Mary Magdeleine.* (John 20:1. 11-18

Mary, the faithful disciple of Jesus

Mary shows love and fidelity of her service to Christ even after the death of Christ. She keeps following the Master. She seeks the light where darkness seems to invade their hearts. She mourns Christ's absence in the tomb; She has always been an example of great love and great forgiveness for Jesus Christ who loved her first even though she was a sinner. St Mary Magdalene was healed of 'seven evils' by Jesus.

She became the first messenger of the resurrection to the Apostles. "Go back to my brothers to tell them that I'm going to my Father and to your Father, to my God and your God". Mary's mission points to our destiny.

Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us!



Under God's Protection (Exodus 12: 3)

"Tell all the congregation of Israel that on the tenth day of this month they shall take every man a lamb according to their fathers’ houses, a lamb for a household."

This verse introduces the institution of the Passover, a profound testament to God's mercy and compassion.

The Angel of Death has no power in those homes or on those people marked with the blood of the sacrificial lamb. Just as God's mercy spared the firstborn of the Israelites, liberating them from the bondage of Egypt, may it spare your household ; May the blood of the Lamb, the Ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God and his blood bring us eternal redemption and salvation.

O most precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world.



Daily Reflections, July 21, 2023. Mt 10:16-23

*The path of love*

"If you accept understood what means: I want mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned those who did not commit a fault"

The way to God is love and justice. This is the way of Jesus. This path is totally opposed to that of the doctors of the law. Their path is to cling only to the law, to the letter of the law. Yet such an approach leads to closure, rigidity and selfishness. However, the path of love opens up to understanding, knowledge and discernment. This path leads to full fulfillment, leads to holiness, to salvation, to the encounter with Jesus who is Love (1John 4:8). Love is above everything. Love understands everything. (1 Corinthians 13). It is love that gives meaning to the law and not the contrary. This is why "the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath"



Under God's Protection* (Ps 104: 1...)

The people sing his praises.

"Praise the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, you are very great. You are clothed with splendor and majesty."

The entire Psalm (Ps 104(105) is a hymn of praise, recounting God's power and faithfulness throughout salvation history. The children of Israel have encountered all kinds of trials and persecution. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has remained faithful to his covenant.

The same God whom we serve today is with us in all our situations of life to guide and protect us. We must be resilient and trust in God's faithfulness even in the darkest moments of oppression and suffering.

Help me Lord to always remember that, amidst the pain of oppression, hope and deliverance can truly be found in our fidelity to the Almighty - God.

*Peace be with you!*

*Father G. R. BIDZOGO SAC*


Daily Reflections, 20th July 2023. Exodus 3: 13-20; Mt 11:28-30.

God is present in the midst of our afflictions!

That is the name of God. He does not only exist, but he is present. The eternal and faithful God, sees and hears the cries of His people and is moved by their pain. Through Moses, God promises deliverance, setting in motion a divine plan to lead His people to a land flowing with milk and honey, a place of rest and freedom. In this moment, the hope of liberation is kindled, and the anticipation of the place of rest begins, which finds its ultimate culmination in Jesus Christ who invites us all to come to him. In Christ Jesus the cries of all the oppressed find solace. He delivers us and leads us to the promised land.

Most precious blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole world!

