For 30 pieces of silver
What would give me if I hand him over to you, Judas asked the high priests. They gave him 30 pieces of silver. From that time, he was looking for an opportunity to betray him for only 30 pieces of silver, which just the equivalent of buying one slave.
In many modern languages, the expression “30 pieces of silver” has been used as a proverb. Alluding to the treachery and betrayal of Judas, it refers to someone who has sold out and taken money, high office, or personal gain in exchange for betraying a person or an important cause.
Only God knows how many of us have sold out their dignity, their relationship with God, their Catholic faith, their own blood, skin, their loyalty to their company, all this for bribery.
The treachery of Judas is a very serious paradigm that calls us to reflect deeply on the state of personal faith and morality and that of our present society.
But always remember, it is Jesus who will save the true slaves that we are by his blood
Happy Spy Wednesday!
Fr. Georges sac
Tuesday of Holy Week. Isa 49:1-6; Ps 79; John 13:
Could it be me, Lord?
Five days before Easter, the Gospel presents to us the atmosphere which reigned at the Last Supper. it was gloomy. Jesus announces his betrayal by one of his disciples without specifying the name. There is panic around Christ. Is it me, Lord? It will, of course, be Judas Iscariot. In our midst are Judah-Christians who profess faith in Christ every day. Let us work to build an honest relationship with Jesus and with others (Jn 8:31-32)
Furthermore, despite his wish, Peter will fail to defend Christ.
Following Christ in his passion is not a matter of our purely human abilities, but of the opening of our heart to his grace, which gives us the necessary strength.
Happy Holy Tuesday!
Fr. Georges sac
Monday of Holy Week. Isa 42:1-7; Ps 26; John 12:1-11.
Christ, New Covenant!
Isaiah points through this morning's passage, at the person of Christ as God's Anointed, the Light and Helper of the nations (Ps 27) The One anointed by God will establish divine righteousness on earth. That is Jesus, the Son of Mary, who will fulfill all the covenants of the past.
Therefore, the passage from today's Gospel presents to us the anointing of Jesus' feet by Mary, the sister of Lazarus six days before Easter in preparation for the Passion of Christ.
To accomplish his mission, Jesus will be betrayed by Judas; he will have to die, be buried, and resurrect.
Like Jesus, we are invited to be the light that enlightens others, but this sometimes requires us to go through very difficult trials.
Happy Monday Holy Week!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Saturday of the 5th week of Lent. Ezek 37:21-28; John 11:45-57; VS Jer 31.
His death brings us together in the Father’s kingdom.
Jesus has just resurrected Lazarus. The high priests and the Pharisees are now hunting him to avoid the revolt of the people and the invasion of the Romans. Without knowing how to say it so well, Caiaphas, the high priest, will say that it was necessary for a single man to die for the people instead of letting an entire nation perish. These words, in truth, clearly suggest that the death of Jesus will save all mankind. His death will unite the people who have been divided and separated from God – This mission of Christ fulfills the words of the prophet Ezekiel in the first reading. God will gather the children of Israel from everywhere. He will bring them back to their land.
Jesus is the Messiah who came to set us free. Unfortunately, we spend time fighting it because we don't understand its true mission in our lives.
Let us open our hearts to God and his Spirit to understand Christ's mission of salvation. Through his death, Christ unites us to his Father's kingdom.
Excellent week-end
Father Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Friday of the 5th week of Lent. Jeremiah 20:10-13; Ps 17; John 10:31-42
Our God, A Fearsome Warrior
Our everyday life is sometimes filled with persecution, slander, jealousy by sometimes very intimate people, those who are supposed to understand and protect us.
This is what we undergo, the prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New. Against these persecutions, Jeremiah, and at a higher level, Jesus always have their trust in God. Jesus, who will soon be arrested, prays to the Father for guidance and strength. He believes that his Father will never be able to abandon him
Faced with our persecutions, we too must remain confident in the power and protection of God, our formidable healer.
As Saint Paul said in all circumstances, let us turn to the Lord with Psalms, hymns, supplications and songs of thanksgiving. (Eph 5:19).
Put your faith in the Lord, following the example of Jeremiah and Jesus.
Blessed Friday!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Thursday of the 5th week of Lent. Gen17:3-9; John 8:51-59
“I am, the name of God”
Jesus clearly evokes his divinity in today's gospel. “Before Abraham was, I am.” The preexistence of Jesus implies his divinity and his equality with God.
Jesus identifies himself with God, the one who revealed his name to the people through Moses in Exodus 3:13-15. God said to Moses, “I am he who is.”
“I am” is the same God
in the book of Genesis, which makes its alliance with Abraham and his descendants. Jesus is the fulfillment of this covenant.
The “I am” of Jesus in John 8:51-59 is the same as that of the burning bush. Yes, “I am” is the name God gives to himself. He is God and does not need violence to exist. Jesus is therefore the God of Moses, Abraham and Isaac. In Jesus it is God himself who speaks to us. He is the God of life. If we believe in him, even if we suffer or die in this world, neither suffering nor death has any power over us. Jesus is very clear when he says, I am the door”, “I am the life”, “I am the word”, “I am the bread”. “I am the way, the truth and the eternal life”, Jesus is God.
May the peace of God descend upon us in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Wednesday of the 5th week of Lent. Dan 3, 14-95; John 8:31-42
Faith in God sets free!
The prophet Daniel tells the story of three young men full of faith - Aniniah, Mishael, and Azariah. Despite threats and tempting proposals from King Nebuchadnezzar, they refused to deny their God and their religion. The king had them bound and thrown into a fiery furnace, but the angel of God joined them there, and they passed through the furnace unharmed. The faith of these young people freed not only the three children but also the king who ended up becoming a believer. When we are truly free of heart, nothing can disturb us, much less separate us from the love of God.
It is this freedom that Jesus offers us if we listen to and put into practice his word.
He, Jesus, the Son of God, frees us from the slavery of sin and thus makes us his true disciples. It is up to us to accept the Word and let it take root in our lives, and we will be truly free. While talking to the Galatians in chapter 5:1, St Paul says:
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Blessed Wednesday!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Monday of the fifth week of Lent. Dan. 13:41c-63; John 8:1-11; Ps22
God is our Defender!
All of our reading today reminds us that God himself defends those who are innocent, especially when they cannot defend themselves.
Suzanne represents all those who are victims of oppressive systems. While the two judges who accuse her and unjustly sentence her to death represent this bizarre and repugnant system.
Turning to God remains the ideal solution. Susanne is only saved by asking God for help, who heard her cry and sent young Daniel to save her.
In the gospel, another woman is about to be stoned for committing adultery. She is once the victim of an unjust and corrupt system. Jesus, the son of God himself, defends him: "Let him who has no sin throw the first stone.
Jesus is the perfect image of the God of mercy. He does not condemn us for our sins. He forgives us and invites us to lead a life different from that of our past.
Our world needs truth and justice. We need compassionate Christians who know how to give their brothers and sisters a chance, always hoping that they will do better in the future. Pray Psalm 22 throughout this day!
Blessed week
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Friday of the 4th week of Lent. Wis. 2:1. 12-22; Ps 34; John 7:25-35.
The virtuous man challenges the Community!
The book of Wisdom tells us about the virtuous man who leads a life different from the ordinary one. He leads a measured, honest life, free from all passions. A life of truth that exposes him to opposition, persecution, and even death. This foreshadows the life and death of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to talk to us about God, but above all, to teach us through his example of life. Our example of life is the best gospel that we must preach every day.
In short, the true Christian life consists of knowing God personally
and to live a life consistent with the gospel. Living according to the Word of God means leading a life different from the common man to the point of making him inconsolable by our way of being and living.
Have a wonderful day!
Fr. Georges sac
Thursday of the 4th week of Lent, B. Ex. 32, 7-14; Ps. 105; John 5:31-47.
Jesus is God!
In the first reading (Exodus 32:7-14), the people turned against God. He denied God; he made a golden calf... At this point,
God was about to punish his people. But Moses pleads on behalf of his people. He asks the Lord to remember his covenant that he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus, the only Son of God is the culmination of this alliance
Today's gospel, Jesus himself gives us the proofs of his divinity. here are the reasons why we must believe
1) The works he accomplishes. These are the works of light and truth.
2) God, his Father himself bears witness to him. It is God himself who glorifies his Son, Jesus.
3) The holy scriptures also bear witness to Jesus. Because everything Moses wrote was to prepare for the coming of Jesus.
Blessed Thursday!
Fr Georges sac
Wednesday of the 4th week of Lent. Is 49.8-15; Ps 144; John 5:17-30
We read the second Canticle of the Servant of God. The servant, the prophet Isaiah, is told that he is the covenant of the people who was appointed to bring the people back to God, that they might be saved. The prophet reminds us that God's love is much tenderer than a mother's love for her child. It is a love that is always tender and faithful. Love is His nature (1Jn 4:16).
Jesus realizes this hope in the Gospel. Jesus is the covenant people – the one sent to redeem the people. (Deuteronomy 7:9). He is indeed the visible image of the invisible God. (Col 1:15).
He is the only begotten Son of the Father and both act in the same way. The Father is merciful, Jesus too. The Father is loving, tender and compassionate, Jesus, his only Son is too.
May we learn to be the replica of the image of Christ!
Blessed Wednesday day!
Father Georges sac
Tuesday of the 4th week. Ez 47, 1-9.12; John 5:5-13;
Jesus, the divine pool
In the gospel, Jesus is at the sheep pond in Jerusalem, which was believed to have healing powers. Jesus heals a man by simply telling him to get up and walk. Jesus is God.
Jesus has an exceptional power, which goes beyond the samentals to which we give more importance. It is he who grants them their power. We must put our faith in him.
Jesus himself is the pool of water that heals and gives life. It is he, the Temple of the first that Ezekiel speaks of in the first reading. And the flow of water in question is the water of baptism. It is Jesus himself, the water of the sanctuary that nourishes all people, represented here by the trees, fish, and other things that feed on the water.
Jesus fulfills the prophecy of the prophet Ezekiel through the healing of this man who had suffered for 38 years. He does it today through the sacrament of baptism for all those who believe in him. Whatever the duration of your problem, Christ remains Master of Time. Invite Jesus into your situation, and you will find the situation. You too, take your stretcher and walk and abandon the negativity of your past enter the new season of grace, of forgiveness, of celebration of new life and holiness. Do you want to be healed?
Father Georges sac
Monday of the 4th week of Lent, Is 65: 17-21; Psa 30; Jn4:43-54. He believed with all his household! Today's Gospel reminds us that the Roman officer, having learned of the return to life of his son, believed in Jesus, as well as all the people of his household.
The and miracles of Jesus refer us to the person of Jesus. All healing refers us to the one who heals. Our contemplation of creation should turn us to the Creator. Our faith should not be based on signs and wonders but on the person of Jesus and his presence in our daily lives. The grace of faith cannot be strictly individual, ie "Jesus and me", but a catalyst for building the body of Christ.
Happy new week!
Much blessings! Father Georges
Friday of the 3rd week of Lent, B. Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28b-34. PS. 80
Return to the Lord your God!
The goal of Lent is the return to God, because we are distant from him. Lent offers us an opportunity through prayer, penance and almsgiving to make this return to God with all our hearts (Joel 2:12). Above all, we must turn away from our idols. The message of the Prophet Hosea thus consists of reassuring the people who have turned away from God by giving themselves over to idols that God's love is faithful. The prophet will marry Ghoma, the famous prostitute to demonstrate that God is ready to renew his love towards his people without conditions. This is exactly what the Lord will do. He will heal their infidelity, he will love them with a free love; he will make them blossom like the lily, and will be the spring of living water.
This is only possible if the people will make God their first choice... Loving God with all one's heart, with all one's soul therefore becomes the path to happiness. This love is reflected on a daily basis by the love of our brothers and sisters.
Turning resolutely to Lord implies detachment from everything that prevents us from loving God with all our hearts.
Happy International Women’s Day!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Thursday of the third week of Lent. Jeremiah 7:23-28; Luke 11:14-23.
Listen to my voice and I will be your God. God invites his people through the prophet Jeremiah to obey his voice and his commandments. The people, on the contrary, refused to listen to him. Hence the exile as punishment in 587bc. It is a reminder for us not to harden our hearts to God but to always be receptive to the ways of the Lord. This is the path of life. Faith is born, however, from listening to the Good News. Lent invites us to open our hearts to listen to the voice of our God, and then proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Only Savior and Lord who is the way and the life, our joy and our eternal happiness. Excellent day Father Georges
Wednesday of the third week of Lent
The commandments
It is God himself who gives his people the laws so that they can live in true freedom and love. These are instructions to follow to live better in the community. Moses gives these commandments to his people like a charter that Guides their daily lives conduct.
Christ, in the gospel, then comes to perfect these laws and gives them meaning. The Bible says that, the law of the Lord is perfect; it delights the heart. The Law gives life. We must integrate the commandments into our daily lives as a way of living our Christian love towards God and our brothers.
Happy Wednesday
Father Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Tuesday of the third week of Lent. Dan 3:25.34-43; Mt 18:21-35;
Our Christian life is not limited to prayer. We must perform acts of sacrifice, such as forgiving brothers and enemies. Forgiving is a divine act. It is an act of grace. True forgiveness comes from the heart and not just from the lips.
God forgives us without any merit on our part. He would like us to imitate him by forgiving those who harm us.
In today's passage from the book of Daniel we see Azarias although being inside the furnace with his two brothers Abednego and Mishack, he asks God to forgive the sin of those who put them to such punishment. So he asks the God who is always faithful, to forgive the sin of his people.
We can only forgive following the example of the merciful God, because as St. John Marie Vianney said,
“The mercy of God is like an overflowing stream. Its carries hearts along her path."
Good day!
Fr Georges Roger Bidzogo
Monday of the Third Week of Lent, 2 Kings 5:1-15a; Ps 41; Lk 4:24-30
Faith saves!
Naaman, the great an mighty warrior is healed from his leprosy by bathing on the little river journey. Although, he was a bit reluctant in the beginning, he finally obeys the word of prophet Elisha. Go and bathe seven times in the river, Jordan. A kind of baptism, which leads Naaman to his profession of faith, the true God, the God of Israel, who is the God of all nations. Faith saves!
Jesus in today's Gospel, refers to this healing of Naaman and the encounter between Elijah and the widow Zerephath to show that God is God of all nations. All we need is to have faith in him. The Easter mystery embraces the whole humankind, even the entire creation. Our faith in such a powerful mystery of salvation makes us all witnesses of Christ message to the whole world. Let us repent and believe in the Gospel.
Happy New week!
Fr. Georges sac
Friday of the second week of Lent.Gen 37; Mt 21:33-45
God, Master of situations!
The book of Genesis tells the story of Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers. Joseph's brothers rejected him, plotted against him, and tried to kill him out of jealousy. Joseph predicates, the story of Jesus who was rejected, plotted against and ultimately innocently put to death, yet it was for the salvation of the world. Let us trust in God who can turn all situations for the good of those who love him (Rom 8:28)
In the gospel, the parable of the bad tenants is addressed to us. We are the new heirs of the vineyard and God himself is the vineyard owner. The parable allows us to meditate on our missed opportunities, our betrayals of trust in God. Let us examine our ingratitude in the face of the winegrower's overflowing generosity.
Our gospel for today is a reminder for us to examine our lives and make sure that we are not like the bad tenants, and, if by chance we are, to take this opportunity to make up for the opportunities that God keeps granting us. Amen
Happy Friday to you all
Fr. Georges sac
Wednesday of the second week of Lent...Jer 18:18-20. Psa 30; Mt 20:17-28
Drink from the cup of the Lord
Jesus comes from the first the first prediction of his imminent death. To the two sons of Zebedee who want to be closest to him in paradise, Jesus tells them that they will have to drink from his cup. Jesus invites them into deep communion with him. The two disciples agree to blend completely into the life of their Master. They are ready to suffer and share the punishment and die with him.
Each disciple is invited to understand that being close to the Lord is not an honorary position, but rather, a condition of life marked by self-denial, worship, suffering and even death. In the first reading, Jeremiah assimilated it. Far from rebelling against God, he prays for his safety. For the Lord is our Salvation and our deliverance. Father Georges sac