March: Stations of the Cross


About the Stations:

The Stations of the Cross follow the journey that Christ walked from where he was sentenced to death all the way to the tomb. There are 14 original stations, and because our faith is rooted in the hope and joy of the Resurrection of Jesus, it has been included as a 15th station. This devotion is practiced throughout the world and done especially during Lent.



Step 1: Walk around the church to each Station

Step 2: Read the name of each Station

Step 3: Say -

Leader: (while genuflecting *optional*) We adore you O Christ and we praise you.

Response: Because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Step 4: Pray -

With great courage Jesus took up his cross.

Help us, Lord, to follow your example and walk with you through life. Amen.


Choose your own Stations of the Cross

-Booklets are available at the Welcome Desk


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