Finance Council
Its mission is to serve as advisors to the Administrator of Holy Redeemer. This council advises in making administrative decisions, policies in the care of the Parish finances, parish budget, annual reports, financial planning, fund raising and development.
Parish Council
Its mission is to focus on the spiritual development of the faithful, evangelization of the inactive, care of the poor in society, conversion of new members and those who aspire to membership in the church by planning, setting policies, being fiscally responsible, and having a clear vision and commitment to programs and evaluating goals and plans against the Diocesan plan and the Parish mission.
Parish Council meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the rectory conference room. Parishioners are invited to attend.
Stewardship Commission
Its mission is to be fully aware of our parishioners' talents, make them feel welcome, and encourage their full participation in the life of the parish. We especially want to be aware of the special needs of our parishioners and community.
Worship Commission
Its mission is to assess the needs of the worshiping assembly, to advise the Pastor, and provide direction for those who prepare liturgies, provide liturgical education of all parishioners, and promote the education and development of competent liturgical ministers of the Eucharist, Ushers, Altar Servers, Mass Captains, Deaf Ministry, Readers, Greeters, Environment, Adoration Chapel, Eucharist for the homebound and care facilities and needs for the altar, musicians, & choirs.
Meetings are held the second Saturday of the month at 10:00am in the rectory.