Pastoral Letter to be read at all Sunday Masses within the Diocese of Lansing

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 10-11, 2022 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, 

In 1931 the State of Michigan enacted strong pro-life legislation. This is our present law. In 1972,  supporters of abortion brought that 1931 law before voters in a statewide ballot initiative. The  people of this state rejected abortion. This is the last time the issue was tested at the ballot box.  

Today, I call to our attention a new and grave threat to our children and to our culture of life.  It is called the Reproductive Freedom for All initiative.   

The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative will be on our ballots this fall where it will appear as  Proposal 3. It seeks the approval of the people of this state to amend the Constitution of this State  to include a so-called “right to abortion”. This effort is spearheaded by Planned Parenthood and  the American Civil Liberties Union. To tinker with the Constitution is very serious business. We  should reject this proposal on that basis alone.  

However, I want to be clear. The Reproductive Freedom for All initiative is the most extreme  abortion proposal this country has ever witnessed. Based on the wording of the proposed  amendment, this initiative seeks to enshrine abortion up to, and including, the day of birth in  our state constitution. It also seeks to eliminate dozens of Michigan laws that presently regulate  abortion. These include parental consent and notification laws; laws that prohibit partial-birth  abortion; informed medical consent laws; 24-hour waiting periods; taxpayer funded abortion;  laws that require abortion facilities to be licensed and inspected by the State of Michigan; laws  that prosecute anyone who injures or kills a woman during an abortion; and laws that protect the  conscience rights of persons who refuse to participate in abortion such as doctors and nurses. 

What is more, the scope of the Reproductive Freedom for All proposal is not limited to the issue  of abortion. It will also likely prohibit parental consent rights if your child wishes to pursue – or  is being pressured into pursuing – medical procedures or chemical treatments intended to change  the outward appearance of his or her biological sex. These include puberty blocking drugs and  cross-sex hormones. Such invasive treatments for children who are gender-confused can inflict  irreversible physiological damage coupled with long-term psychological, emotional and spiritual  damage upon an already vulnerable young person.  

It is likely that the Reproductive Freedom for All campaign will place Michigan at the national  epicenter of the abortion debate. The pro-abortion lobby has already spent an estimated $10  million collecting the needed signatures. Significantly more money will be spent during the  campaign with pro-abortion elected officials and advocacy groups across the country ready to  bombard Michigan voters with their propaganda in the weeks to come. As the Governor of this  State has said repeatedly, both she and her allies in the pro-abortion lobby will, quote, “fight like  hell” to prevail on this matter.   

How then do we respond to those who fight like hell? Simple: We fight like heaven. What does  that entail? First: We have to employ the three great spiritual weapons of the Christian life: Prayer,  fasting and almsgiving. As Saint Peter Chrysologus wrote in the 5th century: 

“Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. Let no one try to separate them;  they cannot be separated. If you have only one of them or not all together, you have nothing.” Saint  Peter assures us that, “Prayer knocks at the door, fasting obtains, mercy receives.”   

Hence, on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Thursday, September 15, I am calling upon all within  the Diocese of Lansing, both clergy and laity, to begin a 54-day Rosary Novena that will conclude  upon the eve of polling day on November 8.  

This will be 54-days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary who  is Queen of the Family, the mother of all mothers and the patroness of the unborn. You can sign  up for a daily text providing information and inspiration across each of the 54 days by texting  FightLikeHeaven to 84576. That’s all one word: FightLikeHeaven to 84576. 

Second comes action. The Diocese of Lansing is cooperating with the Michigan Catholic  Conference and Right to Life of Michigan to oppose and defeat this ballot proposal. They have  created an umbrella campaign group called Citizens to Support MI Women and Children.  

The most important frontline in this battle for life and love, however, will be the local parish. It will  be you. If each of us does what we can – including prayer, sacrifice and action – we will overcome  this attack on life. It’s as dramatic and as simple as that.   

In all we do, please remember this:  The pro-abortion lobby will do everything it can between now  and polling day to hide the extreme elements of this proposal. That is also why we each have the  happy duty of telling our family, our friends and our neighbors the truth about this ballot initiative.  At present, most Michiganders don’t know about the Reproductive Freedom for All initiative but  when they do know about it? They won’t like it.  

We have less than two months before voting on November 8th.  Time is short. Our task is great.  The Lord, however, always provides. Therefore, let us work cheerfully and unstintingly knowing  that His grace is sufficient. Thank you. 

Assuring you of my prayers, I am sincerely yours in Christ, 

+Earl Boyea 

Bishop of Lansing.