Nothing permanent on this earth
Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonnian, wealthy and powerful king has a traumatizing dream of a glorious statue. Its head is made of pure gold. Chest and arms of silver. Belly and thighs of bronze. Legs of iron. Feet partly iron and clay (vv. 31–33). Then a rock, not made by human hands, cut and smashed the statue at the feet of iron and clay and the whole thing came crashing down. The world is made with all kinds of kingdoms and kings, these include the weak, the rich and the strong, the mixed and the antichrist just like Nebuchadnezar. No earthly power, no earthly kingdom and king, no matter how powerful and great, it might be, is eternal. Nothing on this earth lasts forever. As beautiful as it is, the temple of Jerusalem will not be eternal. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. (Luke 21:33)The Rock, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings who has dominion over all things will destroy all evil kingdoms. Let us be careful not to be led astray. There is only One Saviour, One Redeemer, One Lord and eternal King, Jesus Christ. Let us follow him and give God the glory for evermore!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO sac