Acts 6:8-60; Ps30; Mt10:17-22
Stephen, a witness of Christ!
Stephen was the first deacon and the first martyr of the Church. He was stoned to death by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem under the approving gaze of Saul (the future Saint Paul, apostle of the Gentiles). Stephen, under the power of the Holy Spirit, manifests through his predictions and his wonders his faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The forgiveness he offers to his executioners identifies him with his Master and Savior, Jesus Christ. He already fulfills through his martyrdom the words of Christ who recalls that his disciples will be delivered up and betrayed for having believed in him. Indeed, Stephen by committing his spirit into the hands of the Lord, testifies that there is no reason to worry, because for all who believe and bear witness to Jesus, victory and eternal life are assured. Yes, to those who persevere in their faith, the heavens are indeed open.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Father Georges Roger Bidzogo sac