Truly present
Today we display our faith in Christ Jesus truly present in the Blessed sacrament, body, soul and divinity.
It is the essence of our Catholic Faith [Sacrosanctum Concilium], the testament of our Lord Jésus-Christ since that night before he was betrayed.
What we are celebrating is that, Jesus is the living bread (John 6:51). In the Eucharist, we celebrate the living body and the living blood of Jesus. That is the living sacrifice. We are therefore, living people, living communities, living sacrifices (1Cor 10:16-17).
May we live a Eucharistic life, a life of communion, a meaning presence, a symbol of unity, love, peace and reconciliation in our world today!
In the Eucharist, Christ is here. It is Jesus, the living bread.
Be a living sacrifice
Happy Corpus Christi - Sunday!