From Saul to Paul!
Every January 25, Paul's conversion reminds us of what God is capable of doing for each of us. The Apostle Saint Paul had been one of the greatest persecutors of the first disciples of Jesus and had put many to death.
Today, we celebrate his conversion, and the lectures show how he changed and became one of the greatest preachers in the Church. Every fisherman has a chance if he agrees to change sides.
In the two stories of Paul himself, we discover the violence, his determination to harm, to destroy, to imprison all those who follow Christ. However, Jesus himself identifies with each of his disciples.
As with Paul and the eleven Apostles in the gospel text, Christ continues to appear to each of us on our different paths. He invites us to daily conversion and sends us into the world to announce and spread his good news.
Our true conversion therefore consists of letting fall from our eyes the scales which darken us, from our life and our heads, from the prejudices which confine us and from our heart, the darkness of hatred towards the other.
May your grace help me to change from Saul to Paul. Amen
Fr. Georges sac