Compassion and love
On this 4th day of Advent, we ponder on the God's
compassion and love. Isaiah shows the compassion of God, who will wipe away all tears from people's eyes and destroy death forever. He will prepare for us a banquet.
Jesus is the embodiment of God's compassion and love as he heals people's diseases, infirmities, evil, pains and he feeds them not only physically but also with his own body and blood (Eucharistic banquet).As we progress in our Advent exercise, we are invited to emulate Jesus's compassionate love in our world today. Compassion is the one of the pill that can bring healing to our broken society. As we prepare for Christmas, let us learn how to share with the needy. At this Christmas, let's open our hearts to give and make a difference; to give and inspire. Life is not all about accumulation but contribution. Many people are needy because so many others are greedy. My friend, be compassionate and generous!
Fr. Georges sac