John 14 :28
The Father is greater than I
We know from our catechism and from the main biblical truth that Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity, and equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit. How can he make declarations such as, he is doing the Father’s will and the Father is greater than him.
Jesus accepted the will of the Father to become flesh, to become “lower than angels” (Hebrews 2:9) in order to save us. Paul insist that, “Althoug he was God, he did not count equality with God; he emptied himself; he became a servant being born in the likeness of men” (Phil 2:5-11). We can now understand the “greatness here in the role that Jesus played not in his essence as True God even when he became true men. Did you know that Jesus became submissive, obedient, and an expiatory sacrifice in order to save you!
Happy Tuesday!
Fr. Georges R. BIDZOGO sac