No sign if you do not want to see.
The Pharisees feel that Jesus does not fit their standard. He is not the type of God that they were expecting. They are asking for signs. They want a spectacular God even if they have failed to see Jesus himself as the greatest sign in the life of humanity. They fail to see in Jesus, the Savior. Maybe this is the greatest sin of our time, too. Most of the time, we fail to realize God's love and presence in our lives, but seeking signs. Eventually, once God is removed in our lives, what remains is sin. Yet, God is love and he is ever present in our lives. He does not force us to see if we are not willing to open our hearts and our eyes. One cannot force a blind person to see if they do not want to open their eyes.
Lord help me to open my heart to the marvel of your love.
Fr. Georges sac