*Living for the Glory of God*
Vincent Pallotti’s main motive was: "For the infinite glory of God"
This was the motor for his prayers and actions. As St. Paul concludes his letter to the Romans today, he encourages them and gives them the key motivation of his commitment as a preacher and follower of Christ. Everything that St. Paul ever did was for the glory of God.
Paul was not seeking his own self-gratification but he was only a vessel, an instrument for Christ's Gospel. That is what St. Léo was. That is what everyone of us must be. Anne Graham Lots once said: "Our ultimate aim in life is not to be healthy, wealthy, prosperous, or problem free. Out ultimate aim in life is to bring glory to God". This consists in living a very prudent life, always seeking the kingdom of God". May our entire life, at all times bring glory to God.
Lord help me to do everything for your infinite glory and the salvation of souls!
Fr. Georges sac
Daily reflections, November 9, Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. Ezekiel 47, 1-12; Ps 45; John 2:13-22.
The Church of Christ, source of communion and life!
“Sacrosancta Lateranensis ecclesia omnium urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater et caput”, that is to say “the holiest Church of the Lateran, of all the churches of the city and of the world, the mother and the head”. Here is one of the inscriptions that can be read on the wall of the facade of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. This basilica is also the cathedral church of the Bishop of Rome and Primate of Italy, unlike St Peter's which is a basilica but not a cathedral. The Lateran Basilica was dedicated to the Most Holy Savior and to Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist. It was first consecrated in 324 AD. The Lateran Church is our symbol of unity.
The symbolism of the river evoked by Ezekiel in the first reading, represents The Church, the temple of God, sacrament of Christ, torrent and river of life which nourishes and brings together all the children of God.
The Church is the river that replenishes the lives of children who, through baptism, themselves become the temple of God through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. St Paul invites us to preserve this temple and to strengthen it in faith. The Temple is not just a stone building, but each of us has God within us.
Jesus in the gospel, performs a symbolic and prophetic act. Our temples, whether our churches or our bodies, must be purified of all forms of corruption, sin, dirt, impurity. We must chase out of our lives everything that opposes us to God and everything that dishonors the temple of Christ! The Church that we celebrate today is the symbol of unity and gathering of all those who believe in Christ.
In celebrating the dedication of the Basilica of Lateran, we also celebrate the dedication of our own local churches as they are all united.
Lord, I dedicate my life and my parish to you!
Fr. Georges sac
Daily reflections, November 8, 2023.* *Rom 14:7-12*
Love, Saint Paul tells us today, is the answer to all the commandments. If we live from the sources of love, we will have no problem keeping the commandments and growing closer to God and our neighbor.
Jesus speaks to us today in parables and clearly lays out what it means to be a disciple. A disciple must be aware of the cost of his commitment to Christ.
Being a disciple of Christ requires certain commitment on our part: detachment, discernment, concentration. Ultimately, we must place Christ at the very center of our lives and before anything else, including the family. Becoming a disciple is not an easy thing and so we must weigh it very carefully, but, in the end, if we accept the call, the reward will be truly great.
Lord, and give me the grace to follow you.
*Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Daily Reflections, November 6, 2023. Rom 11: 29-36; Ps 68; Luke 14:12-14
Sincere love!
Love is the attribute that best defines who God is. Saint John tells us that: “God is love” (1 John 4:16). Following Jesus, Saint Paul considers love to be the identity of the Christian. It's his life; that’s his strength. After all, it is love that will triumph (1 Corinthians 13:13). This is real love; this love which opens the sky; it is love without hypocrisy. It is this type of love that allows us to flee evil with horror and cling to good. It is love that creates unity, peace, joy, the spirit of sharing, hope, faith and generosity, hospitality, humility and forgiveness. It is this love that finds solutions, possibilities to respond to God’s call to holiness. Love does not look for excuses to avoid serving God and others. Anyone who makes excuses has no love and will not be able to enter the kingdom of God. We can conclude with St Bernard and Richard that: “There is no perfect love, truly worthy of the name, except the love of friendship, by which one loves another person, not for oneself, but for them -even. Self-love only becomes perfect when we love ourselves for God, leaving ourselves, so to speak, to go to God. »
Lord, purify my love!
THANK You Jesus.
Father Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Daily reflections, November 6, 2023. Rom 11: 29-36; Ps 68; Luke 14:12-14
*Be different from those in the world*
Jesus is essentially telling us today to be different if we are truly Christians. We should avoid doing things like those of the world. We are not supposed to spouse their way of thinking and doing things. Our celebrations or parties should rather be used as opportunities to show love and demonstrate our charity towards the most vulnerable. There are orphans who have no shelter; people who have virtually no access to health care all over the world; families who nowhere to sleep; no water to drink; no food to eat.
Instead of inviting rich people for parties or making donations or organizing festive birthdays and anniversary of high-ranking personalities, we could collect this money to support orphans, build schools, supply hospitals with medicine. . Doing good to these categories of people is praiseworthy and selfless because they cannot repay us, but he himself will repay us a hundredfold.
We must do this with these poor people because Saint Paul tells us in our first reading that we have benefited immensely from God's mercy. It only follows that we too should be agents of mercy, compassion and divine charity especially towards the most disadvantaged.
Fr Georges R. BIDZOGO sac
Daily reflections, November 04, 2023. St* *Charles Borromeo. Rom 11:1-29; Luke 14, 1. 7-111.*
*Lesson in humility*
In the Gospel, Jesus gives the Pharisees a lesson in humility. He is actually talking about us. He invites us all to be humble because in seeking to exalt ourselves, we could end up being very embarrassed when our true position is exposed. Jesus never ceases in his life and his teaching to invite us through his life and his teachings. St Paul tells us that: "Although he was in the condition of God, he did not jealously hold back the rank that made him equal to God" (Phil 2:6). Jesus himself reminds us: “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 14:11).
Let us pray for the grace of humility and live a life of humility if we truly want to please the Lord. The book of Proverbs states that: “A man's pride brings him low, but he who is humble in spirit obtains glory” (Prov 29:23). This is undoubtedly why the same book of Proverbs tells us that “Humility goes before glory and Pride goes before the fall”. (Prov 15:33)
Give me Lord, the grace to be humble like Mother Mary (7X)
Father Georges sac
Daily Reflections, November 3, 2023. Rom 9:1-15; Martin de Perez
*Passion for Christ!*
In today's text of the letter to the Romans, we see St. Paul speaking honestly about the Jews. He speaks to them with passion. These are the people with whom he once shared the same traditions and belief. He does not speak about it negatively but speaks about it in a very Christian way and also with a note of sadness. Over the next three chapters of his letter, he attempts to explain the place of the chosen people in salvation history. It is sad because the Jews rejected Christ: they heard Christ's message as he heard it and yet they rejected him and decided not to follow him. The Jews have always been the Chosen People and in the life of Christ, they first received the Good News but rejected it.
What about we today? Have we not also rejected Christ?
Following the example of Paul, I must present Christ to the world with passion and with all the truth of his message!
Lord open my heart to accept your message! Amen
Fr. Georges sac
Daily reflections, November 02, 2023.
Wis 3: 1-6.9; Ps 26; 1 Cor 15: 51-57.*
Today we remember all members of the Church who have died in Christ. We know that Christ triumphed over death and yet people still die. What is important for us to keep in mind is that although our earthly body may die, our soul does not die. We have been saved by Christ who died for us even though we were still sinners.
On this day when we remember our loved ones who have gone before us, it is also a reminder that whether we like it or not, we will become one with them sooner or later. What to do to avoid going to hell? We must do good. Let us pray, offer Masses, and do the following throughout this month of November.
1) Seeking for plenary indulgence for our loved ones who have died. How to do this?
a.) Visit a cemetery at least one from today until November 08. Pray for the souls in purgatory.
b.) Go for confession and attend Holy Mass; Receive the Eucharist in a state of grace.
c.) Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
May the Lord grant them eternal rest.! Amen.
Fr. Georges sac
Solemnity of All Saints! Rev 7, 2-4.9-14; Ps 23; 1 John 3: 1-3; Mt 5, 1-12a.
Our inspiration, so they are!
All saints is the day we honour all holy women and men from all cultures,nations, races and from all ages who have gone before us. They were faithful to God and his Church by their service after the example of Christ. They have washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb.
Through this celebration, we become aware of our first goal and our first vocation on earth, the sainthood. The saints are our models. No wonder Oscar Wilde tells us that the only difference between a saint and a sinner is that: “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” They are our inspiration. They remind us who we are supposed to be. They had their weaknesses but they responded to God’s call to being meek, merciful, peacemaker, pure in heart, righteous, poor in spirit and being persecuted and insulted falsely. This is how to become a saint today. Living our ordinary and normal life with faith, hope and charity. Our journey to become a saint is not just a dream, but a reality to attain. Let us follow Jesus, the Way, the Truth and life.
Keep us in communion with your saints O Lord as they pray for us and bring your grace down to us. O Queen of all saints, pray for us!
Happy All Saints day!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Daily Reflection October 31, 2023
Daily Reflections, October* *31, 2023. Rom 8:18-25; Ps* *125; Luke 13:18-21*
*Beyond suffering, Glory!*
No one can doubt the imminence of suffering in the world and in our lives, natural disasters, death, war, famine, pandemics, sometimes even incurable diseases. “We know well that the whole creation groans, it goes through the pains of childbirth which still lasts” (Rom 8:20). But only, like Jesus himself, we must remain confident. For beyond the cross there is resurrection, life, glory and eternal joy. This is the image of Psalm 125, “Those who sow in tears will reap in joy. » It is the glory of the kingdom of God which begins with the acceptance of the message of Christ, “the mustard seed” gradually builds and transforms our hearts, our lives, our families, our societies and our world.
Lord in the trial of suffering, give me the strength and courage to fix my eyes towards future glory. As a member of your Church, give me the grace to be the leaven of peace and love for the building of your kingdom.
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Daily reflections October 27, 2023. Luke 12:54-59; Rom 7:18-25a*
In today's passage from the letter to the Romans, we see St. Paul speaking openly about the struggle going on within him - the struggle between living gospel values and living the easier, more carefree life that so often leads to fishing. He knows what the right thing to do is and yet he struggles. In this, any of us could replace Paul's name with our own. The Gospel message is not always easy to live but with the help and grace of God, who is always at our side, it is entirely possible.
In today's Gospel passage from Saint Luke, we see Jesus warning the people not to be able to read the signs of the times. They can make many other predictions about what they see and yet they cannot read the most obvious things in front of them, like the presence of the Messiah. We still have the Messiah among us and yet we also fail to read the signs of the times and follow him in all sincerity.
*Fr Georges sac
*No to violence!*
Jesus is clearly identified as the "Prince of Peace" in (Isaiah 9:6). His entire life was totally revolutionary against the old law of talion. He even commands us to love the enemies and pray for them. In our daily lives, we as individuals or our community or family have experienced rejection, racism, injustice, hatred or exclusion and our immediate reaction has been like that of James and John, revenging ourselves by using the strongest means of violence to express our anger, our hurt and indignation. But Jesus strongly recommends this attitude. Love is the only answer that will never fail. Mother Theresa says:
"Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.”
Blessed day under God's protection!
Father Georges sac
Daily Reflections, 28 September 2023. Luke 9:7-9
Hearts desiring God
Our Daily longing for God is real (PS 63: 1).We wish to change our hearts. We desire to convert to God but like Herod, our desire is confronted with earthly motives. Herod's desire to see Jesus was based not on faith or on motives of conversion but on fear and selfishness. During the entire time of his imprisonment, John the Baptist had constantly invited Herod to conversion. “Herod feared John, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man, and kept him in custody. When he heard him speak he was very much perplexed, yet he liked to listen to him” report, Saint Mark. (Mk 6:20). Yet Herod continually postponed converting. Do I always postpone my conversion, my prayer, decision to commit to God and his Church?
A heart that desires God, need to convert daily. Being born again, or accepting Jesus is to start living a new life and renewing our option for Christ each day.
Help me Lord, from today to convert from my weaknesses and shortcomings. Lord, I want to draw closer to you. Amen.
Blessed Thursday!
Father Georges sac
Daily Reflections, 12 September 2023. Col 2, 6-15; Luke 6: 12-19 The Holy Name of Mary*
A powerful name
For St Bernard Mary, that the Mother of God could not have received a name that better expresses her excellence, her greatness, and her dignity. Mary's name is a name of Power, which means mistress, lady, sovereign, because Mary is the Sovereign Queen of Heaven and Earth.
The Lord God blessed her above all women and exalted her name so high that her praise will never fade from the mouths of the faithful. (Cf Luke 1: 39 -59) indeed all generations will call her blessed.
The celebration of the Holy name of Mary spread widely from 1684 in recognition of the victory of Vienna against the Turks. “Let us walk with confidence under the protection of Heaven and with the assistance of the Most Holy Virgin.”
St Ambrose teaches that the name of Mary is a delicious balm that spreads the odor of grace. For St Ephraim, the name of Mary is a name of salvation as it is rightly called the Key to Heaven. The great asset St Bernard believed that “The name of Mary alone, puts all demons to flight…”
In fine, the name of Mary, the Mother of God, is filled with divine graces and blessings," as St. Methodius says. So much so, that St. Bonaventure declares, "that thy name, O Mary, cannot be pronounced without bringing some grace to him who does so devoutly."
Grant, O Gentle Lady, that we may often remember to name you with love and confidence. "Mary, Mother of Christ, Mother of divine love and help of Christians, pray for us!
Father Georges sac
Daily Reflections, 15 August 2023. The Assumption of Mary.
Mary is already there
In his apostolic constitution “Munificentissimus Deus,” ( The Most Bountiful God), Pope Pius XII, defined the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary saying: “We pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul to heavenly glory.” (November 1, 1950).
That is the Assumption of Mary into heaven, a holy day of obligation for us Catholics.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God (Theotokos), the new Ark of the covenant (Luke 1:35 ; Ps 132, 8; 2 Sam 6: 6-14) has entered into the glory of heaven as a faithful disciple of Christ, "the first fruit of all have fallen asleep ... Who will bring all to life according to the proper order" (1Thes.4:17).
Today's readings points to struggle and resurrection. Mary is the Woman who fights with the dragon (Revelation 11:19, 12:1-6, 10). She represents the Church. On one hand triumphant, sharing in the glory of God. And on the other hand, painful and toil. Mary is the symbol of the Church continuing fight the battle between Good and Evil; God and Satan. The assumption prefigures God's victory. In the Assumption of Mary, we celebrate our hope. St. Josemaria Escrivá teaches: “We are still pilgrims, but our Mother has preceded us and already, indicating the end of the road: she encourages us that it is possible to get there and that we will get there if we are faithful because the Blessed Virgin is not just our example: she is the Help of Christians.”
Although, Mary is in heaven, she walking with us, she sustains us she fight with in our struggles against the evil one. Let us therefore renew our dedication to the prayer of the rosary. This is our weapon which needs to be reactivated daily in our parishes and families in this great time of the battle against evil.
Let us be attentive to God's word and will like Mary! May we be men and women of gratitude and total "Yes" to the Lord! Let us entrust our families, and countries unto God's care and mercy through Mary for with our God, all things are possible!
Mary, Queen of heaven and hearth, pray for us!
Happy Assumption day!
Daily Reflections, 13 August 2023. Matthew 14:22-33
Dear beloved in Christ, fear has perilous effects in our human existence. Fear often emerges as an adversary that can erode our courage, distort our perceptions, and hinder our spiritual growth our capacity to see beyond the situation. This can cause uncertainty and doubts. Today’s readings offer us insights into overcoming fears.
First, it is important to acknowledge the existence of fears in our lives. Elijah hide on a cave because of the fear of the challenges he faces. (1 Kings 19:9,11-13)
May the Lord grant us the grace to recognize fear’s influence and acknowledge its potential to distort our perceptions and decisions.
We can overcome fear by seeking stillness and guidance at the Eucharistic table, in Eucharistic adoration, just as Elijah found solace in the gentle whisper on the mountain; thus, we are encouraged to seek moments of stillness amidst the trouble waters and amidst the storms of life.
We are invited like Peter, to step out of the boat. We should never allow fears to confine ourselves to the safety of our comfort zones, preventing us from embracing new experiences and opportunities.
By inviting Peter to walk on the water, Jesus changes his perspective from fear to confidence. "Fear not, It is I". What are the fears that we face right now? We must confront our fears and approach them with faith and this can harness our energy for positive change. May we cultivate virtues such as courage, love, and hope as antidotes to fear to face our challenges and uncertainties.
All we need is to step out of the boat with faith.
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Georges sac
*Daily Reflections, 12 August 2023. Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin, Mary.*
Faith as mountain moving potential
The power of faith has proven its virtue so many men and women throughout salvation history. Jesus, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Gideon, Jonah, David, the Centurion, John Baptist, John Paul II, Mother Theresa have won their battles by faith.
Today's readings of Deuteronomy (6:4-13) unveils the Jewish shema as the power that brings about positive change. "Hear, Of Israël: The Lord our God, the Lord is one ...". This heartfelt declaration is connected with the power of faith, which moves one through challenges, nurtured hope, and enables breakthrough, and positive outcomes.
The psalmist in (Ps 17) sings the power of faith as source of strength, a wellspring of courage, and bulwark against adversity and trials. One will boldly: The Lord is my fortress and my deliverer, my stronghold and my shield" (Ps18).
In today's Gospel (Mt 17:14-20), Jesus through the story of the healing of the little boy, underline the potency of even the smallest grain of faith. This is an anchor for the soul (Hebrews 6:19).
My dear friends in Christ, faith is indeed a mountain - moving potential. Always remember: "The Lord is your God; the Lord is One" (Deut 6:4).
*Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us!*
*Fr. Georges sac*
Daily Reflections, 11 August 2023 Death of St Claire. and St Philomène, Virgin and Martyr.
A sign of God to the world
St. Philomena, the beautiful Grèce princess, is for me a sign of God's power in the world. Her month is celebrated from July 1st to August 10th. According to a private revelation, Philomena spent forty days in jail. Her parents attempted to get her to marry the Emperor Diocletian who tried to win her favor. But, she still refused his hand in marriage. As a result, Diocletian put her in jail and ordered her to be executed in Rome in 304 AD at the age of 13 or 14. This month commemorates that event.
She is known through her powerful intercessions and miracles attributed to her. We can imitate her faith, her friendship with the Saints, her virtue of chastity and her profound spirit of joy. She is the patron saint of the children of Mary, youth and babies.
Her whole life echoes the Words of today's gospel: "Whoever wants to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me... Whoever loses his life for my sake, will find it"(Mt 16, 24-28).
Through the intercession of St. Philomena, we pray today for the conversion of sinners, couples seeking the fruit of the womb, school children and Catholic schools, people with health issues, for healthy pregnancies, real estate, healing of mental illness, restoration of broken bones, recovery of heart conditions, and any other special need of divine intervention!
Little St. Philomena, powerful before God, pray for us!
Fr. Georges sac
Daily Reflections, 10 August 2023. St Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr. (Third patron of the Church of Roman) 2 Cor 9:6b-10; John12:24-26
Dying like the grain of wheat
The essence of Christianity is to follow the path of Jesus, that is the path of the grain of wheat. This means to die to oneself so as to bear fruit for many.
St Laurence lived as a grain of wheat and cheerful giver.
He gave up his entire life joyfully for the poor of Rome whom he presented as " the riches of the Church".
We learn from Lawrence to be bold about Catholicism and to take the path of self-denial so that others may have life.
In the context of greed and corruption, St Lawrence stands as a paradigm to imitate our families, in our governance of all kinds of affairs, in our healthcare systems, education systems, parliaments and in our attitudes. That is the true martyrdom that we need today.
Unless a grain of wheat dies it remains alone, but if it dies, it bears more fruits!
St. Lawrence, pray for us!
Father Gee sac
*Daily Reflections, 09 August 2023. St Benedicta of the cross (Edith Stein).*
Have pity on me, Lord.
The Canaanite woman in today's gospel calls out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” This cry symbolises our suffering humanity crying for help. Our world is longing for healing, peace, justice, unity, mercy, and true love and salvation from God. The Canaanite woman represents the hunger of our lost woman's humanity. Indeed she senses correctly where our salvation is to be found. Our true peace, joy, deliverance and salvation is found in Jesus. She didn't give up on prayer. She shows her total faith and confidence in Jesus. Your faith has save you!
*Lord Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.*
*Father Georges "Gee" sac*