The cross is our victory!
Today, Jesus is teaching us on the essence of Christianity. The cross, though painful and horrible, leads our victory. There is a cost to pay for following Jesus.
Discipleship is a free choice of Jesus's type of life. It is not an easy way to live because it's not about self-fulfillment but self-denial and readiness to die for others. It is about giving even when we are not sure to receive back. It is always about loving even when we are not loved; pardoning even when we are not pardoned. That is the meaning of the cross of Christ, which leads to freedom, peace, and victory. The cross of Christ lead to victory over sin and death for it is the triumph of God’s love. Are you willing to lay down your life as Jesus did? Jesus is asking you: would you lay down your life down for me?
St. Edith Stein, pray for us!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28
Everlasting love
The finality of the denounciations of prophet Jeremiah against his people is salvation. God's remains faithful to his project for man. "I have loved you with an everlasting joy." God does not give up on us. God is eternally faithful to his words. He cares for us all pagans and Christians alike. Thank God for his infinite love and mercy (Ps118).
Immaculate heart of Mary, pray for us!
Tuesday of August 6, 2024. The Transfiguration. 2 Peter 1, 16-19; Ps. 96;Daniel 7:9-14; Mark 9:2-10
Experiencing the closeness and glory of God
All the synoptic gospels tell us about the transfiguration. During this event, Moses and Elijah appear talking to Jesus as they did with God at Horeb in the Old Testament. We are invited to experience God’s presence in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who fulfills the Law and the Prophets. God’s speaking in the cloud symbolizes his glory fully manifested in the person of Jesus Christ whom we should listen to. May we ask for the grace to recognize Jesus as the presence of God in our world. Are we willing to listen to him especially in difficult moments? Transfiguration is the paradigm of change and transformation. May the presence of Christ at the eucharist change and transform us!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO sac
Monday of the 18th week. Dedication of the Basilica of Mary Major. Jer. 28:1-17;Ps118; Mt 14:13-21.
Mary, Mother of God
There are four principal basilicas in Roma, St. Mary Major, St. Peter, St. John Lateran, and St Paul. Built in the 5th century, Mary Major honors Mary under her title as “Mother of God and the church”. The emphasis for this title was on divinity of Christ. Jesus, although he was incarnated, was divine. For our salvation, we must have faith in him like Mary. He is our living bread as stated by himself in the Gospel. Mary, trusted God even in the midst of uncertainties, we are invited to walk through the storms and on the water of life with confidence. Life is a journey of faith, by Mary’s help, let us walk it in total trust in Jesus!
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Saturday of the 17th Week B. Jer 26: 11-16.24; Mt 14:1-12.
Beware of the influence Satan.
The first reading shows the rejection of God's words and the decision to kill Jeremiah because his denounciation of all injustices and corruption.
In the Gospel, Philip's wife, Herrodias, her daughter, and King Herod represent sinful attitudes of hatred, vanity, corruption, and greed. John Baptist raised his voice among them.
Like Jeremiah, John Baptist ended up alone in a dark prison cell because of his fidelity to his prophetic mission. He will be beheaded.
Both Jeremiah as well as John would have chosen comfort and security, but they decided to give meaning to their lives by giving it up for the truth and for others.
Brothers and sisters, our life dies and withers if we do not give it up for Jesus, the love of others, justice, and peace.
Our Lady of victory. Pray for us!
Happy weekend!
Fr. Georges sac
Friday of 17th week in Ordinary Time Year B. Jer. 26:1-9, Mt. 13:54-58
Lack of faith!
Are we not victims today of the lack of trust in God? Jesus, in today's passage, is returning to his hometown, where the people's lack faith in him just because they thought they knew who he was: the son of the carpenter. This prevented them from witnessing the full extent of Jesus' miraculous power.
Our world is the way it is because we are no more faithful to God's word and plans like the people in Jérémiah' s time as well as Jesus's hometown's people. Faith is key to our relationship with God because it pushes us to act on his word with confidence.
Our Lady of the Assumption, pray for us!
Fr. Georges sac
Wednesday of the 17th week. Mt. 13:44-52. St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Giving up all for it
Many people, many saints, reading today's Gospel with an open heart, have been so struck by Jesus. They found in him the true treasure. They converted to Him. Let us think of St Francis of Assisi: he was already a Christian. Reading this passage of the Gospel, was decisive moment of his youth. He encountered Jesus and discovered the Kingdom of God; with this, all his dreams of worldly glory vanished. The Gospel allows you to know the real Jesus. It lets you know the living Jesus; it speaks to your heart and changes your life. And then, yes, you leave it all. You can effectively change lifestyles, or continue to do what you did before but you are someone else, you are reborn: you have found what gives meaning, flavor, light to all things, even to toil, even to suffering, and even to death.
I rejoice, Lord, for finding the true treasure of my life, your kingdom.
St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Monday, July 29, 1 John 4:7-16; John11: 19-27
Welcoming Jesus' friendship
The Church has designated every July 29 as the feast day of these siblings. They were close friends of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Martha generously offered Christ hospitality. We become like her when we feed, clothe, and care for Jesus in the hungry, thirsty, naked, and sick. (Mat 25:31-46). Yet, we must always avoid sterile activism.
Mary, on her turn, listened attentively to Jesus. We must begin our days at his feet in order to offer him plans and activities.
It is important for us to spend time in adoration of the blessed sacramen.
Lazarus was our Lord's friend who allowed himself to be loved. He opened his home to Jesus, and when he died, Jesus manifested through him his authority and power over death.
May we welcome Jesus in our lives and accept his friendship and love!
Happy New week!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Saturday of the 16th week, B. Jer. 7:1-11; Mt.13:24-30.
Building with the mind of Christ!
The parable of the wheat and the weed is an encouraging message. The kingdom is borderless. No one is excluded. We should not neglect the influence of the devil. We need patience and conversion.
As servants, we assist Jesus in planting seeds and ensuring that they grow to maturity. At the end of the age, it’s the job of the harvester to judge who is or isn’t a member of God’s kingdom, not us. We pray to all be good seed of the kingdom!
Help me, Lord, to be patient in wining more souls for the kingdom!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Thursday, July 26, 2024. St Anne & Johakim. Jer 3:14-17; Mt 13: 18-23.
Faith and generosity!
Through this memorial, we celebrate the importance of parents and grandparents in the world. They are the first shepherds, God's agent, who keep the family together. They sow in us the seed of prayer, faith, love, and hope. Children are like the fertile ground, called to produce good fruits of the discipline and the education received from our parents and grandparents. St Anne and Johakim teach faithfulness, love, and generosity towards God and neighbors. We honor in them the beginning of our salvation (immaculate conception).
Happy Grandparents Day!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Thursday, July 25, 2024. St James. 2Co.4: 7-15; Mt 20: 20-28
We are servants!
The feast of St James, the Brother John, is a reminder to us Christians that we are called to serve in humility. Having experienced Jesus' authority over nature, death, and evil powers, his transfiguration and agony, St James became the first Apostle to be martyred. In our everyday life, a real shift is needed, from self-centeredness, self-ambitions, and worldly ambitions to selfless service of others. This is not an easy cup to drink. Yet it is the way to the eternal kingdom.
Lord Jesus, grant that nothing may ever prevent me from achieving eternal life with you in paradise. Amen.
St James, the Apostle, pray for us
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Wednesday of the 16th week. Mt 13:1-9; Jérémiah 11.4-10; Ps70.
Being a fertile ground!
Jesus is indeed the Great Teacher and Judge who sows salvation in the fields of the world. He sows the same gift of his life in different fields, that is different people. Important to observe that, the result is different and depends on the capacity of each field to yield fruit. Jesus is himself the logos, the word incarnate who wants to take deeper roots in our lives daily so thar we can bear fruits that last for eternal life. As the seed of Christ is sown into our lives, may we allow it to grow deeper and produce abundant fruits.
May we also like Jérémiah become sowers of God's word to the various fields of the universe!
Precious blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole world!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Tuesday of the 16th week, B. St Brigitte. Micah 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 84:2-8; Mt 12:46 -50.
Our true Family!
Jesus was teaching the crowds, then arrived his mother and his brothers who stood outside seeking to talk to him. Hearing that: “Your mother and brothers want to talk to you”, Jesus redefines not only our new family but also the new identity of every Christian. “Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mt.12:50). That is what the Blessed Virgin Mary did. She is the perfect model of one who not only hears the word of God but lives by it. “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to thy word” (cf. Lk. 1:26-38). Mama Mary, help us to listen and obey God’s word. Lord for all our stubbornness and all our iniquities, Lord in your faithful love, have mercy on your people!
Precious Blood of Jesus of Jesus, save us and the whole world!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Monday; Feast of St. Mary Magdalene. 2 Cor. 5, 14-17; Ps. 62; John 20:1. 11-18
Magdalene is the first disciple to see Jesus after his resurrection. Before her encounter with Jesus, she was at the mercy of the evil one. Yet after meeting with Jesus, Mary became an apostle of the resurrection. She teaches us fidelity and perseverance in friendship especially in times of hardships as she visited the tomb of Jesus early morning! She will find true consolation in the risen Christ, who makes her the first disciple to announce his resurrection. Even when we are disappointed and defeated by the problems of life God is always close to us and he calls each of us by name. Like Mary Magdalene, we need to accept the “seen of the Lord” in our lives. The experience of the risen Lord is our strength and our hope.
Precious blood of Jesus, save us and the whole world!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO
Saturday of the 15th week. Micah 2:1-5; Ps 9; Mt 12:14-21
In the first reading, the Prophet Micah stands against all those who commit evil and who were still planing in their hearts to do harm to others. Examine yourself. Are you among those who plan evil?
Jesus is facing such wickedness against the pharisees in today's Gospel. They seek to kill him because of his good actions. Jesus shows the power of his love by healing even more people. In the face of wickedness, always show love, for the Lord will be with you to give you more strength and to protect you! Let us, therefore, remember to put on the full armor of God so that we too can resist evil doers and all our enemies (Eph. 6:13)
Precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Reflection of July 16th. Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Is.1: 10-17; Mt. 11:21-22.
Mighty deeds, yet indifference!
The anger of Jesus is justifiable and understandable for most categories of people. Priests, pastors, catechists, Parents who give their best for the success of their parishioners, children, yet children do not care; Teachers who give their best for their students but receive indifference and lack of commitment. To Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum, Jesus gave everything himself, his message to the lost sheep of Israel and produced a lot of miracles and wonders yet these cities have remained indifferent, unfruitful and incapable of repentance. When we count our daily blessings and God’s miracles in our lives, they are far from Chorazin. Bethsaida and Capernaum… Throughout this day, remember these words of Isaiah: “If we do not stand by the Lord, we will not stand at all”
Most precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Reflection of July 15th. St Bonaventure. Is.1: 10-17; Mt 10:34-11,1.
God at the center of our lives!
The Lord invites us at the beginning of this week to purify and change our hearts and avoid vices, sins and other forms of evil. True sacrifice and true worship consist in avoiding doing what is evil but doing what is good, right and just, loving kindness and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8). The Gospel invites us to keep our true relationships with God, with our family and with the rest of the world with the heart and mind of Christ Jesus; that is authentic love, which is always seeking God’s will. This demands of us ,daily sacrifices, detachments out of love and charity. Let’s go out and announce the Gospel, which is essentially, charity, justice and peace! Change your heart!
Most precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC
Friday, July 12th, 2024. Hoséa 14:2-10; Mt 10: 16-23.
Hosea, at the end of his book, insists on the faithful love of God. This is an invitation to conversion and putting our full trust in God. He is the one who sends like sheep among wolves. We must be, therefore, wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Serpents in the time of Jesus were known as wise and shrewd animals. So shall we be. Yet doves are known to be harmless. Christians must be Christ-like, innocent, pure, and self-sacrificing. Yes, the world is cruel and hostile. We must be wise, prudent, and remain focused on God, who is always faithful (Ps. 114).
Lord, give me your wisdom!
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
Monday of the 14th week, Year B. Hosea 2:16-22; Mt9:18-26
God of life!
Jesus is truly the Messiah of God who comes to give life to people believe in Him. He heals the woman suffering from hemorrhages to reassure us of the power that God has over all forms of illness and goes so far as to bring the young girl back to life to signify that even death has no power before him. God truly loves us to the point that he never abandons us despite our unfaithfulness. He renews his love and faithfulness for us every day. It is, therefore, enough for us to have faith in Jesus Christ to see healing and all the power of the gospel of Christ manifested in our daily lives!
Precious blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world!
Pax Christi!
Wednesday, July 03, 2024. St Thomas the Apostles. Eph. 2: 19-22; John 20:24-29.
Put your finger here and see my hands.
These words of Jesus express God's mercy towards sinners and his willingness to heal us. Such a compassion for the doubting Thomas reminds us that the Lord does not expect us to be “perfect Christians” but faithful.
Jesus wants us “to seek him, to call on him, or even, like Thomas, to protest, bringing him our needs and our unbelief, our personal or family wounds.
Our challenge is to recognize the presence of risen Christ in our midst in spite of our doubts and hesitations.
In those moments of difficulties and darkness, Jesus comes back with love and knocks at the door of our hearts. Jesus does not give up on us when we find ourselves in moments of crisis and doubts. He takes us through his light of faith.
"My Savior and my Lord!"
Pax Christi
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac