“Jesus takes the man aside, puts his fingers in his ears, spits, and touches his tongue. He then looks up to heaven, sighs, and says "Ephphatha", which means "Be opened".” (Mark 7:31-37)
In times of grief, despair and failure, we can be “deaf” to the presence of God in the love and compassion shown to us by others.
Sometimes, we can become so preoccupied with the noise and clamor of the marketplace, the leisures, the worldly attractions that we are unable to hear the voices of those we love and who love us.
At times, we may find it hard to speak to God in prayer and harder still to hear Him speaking to us through the Bible, through the Church, and through the events of life.
Tips: Imitate the dumb man in the Gospel by seeking out Jesus, following him away from the crowd. Spend more of your time in coming to know him intimately as you study Holy Scripture (joining a bible study could be one step), have more time in adoration of the blessed sacrament and try to experience him directly in your lives in personal prayer.
I truly believe that our growing awareness of the healing presence of Jesus in our lives will open our ears and loosen our tongues for gratitude!
Happy 23rd Sunday
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC