Living the gospel this week. I confess (The Confiteor Prayer)
As we are approaching the time of Lent and as we look at this Sunday’s Gospel inviting us to examine ourselves first, I thought to reflect with you this week on the Confiteor prayer. Jesus in today’s Gospel asked a very important question
“Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?”
This calls clearly for self-introspection. In the beginning of every Mass, the confiteor helps us to do such introspection and acknowledge our most grievous faults.
The Confiteor, also known as the “I Confess” prayer, is a part of the Penitential Rite in Mass. It reminds us of our own weaknesses and need for God’s mercy. The phrase “through my fault,” said three times, translates to “Mea culpa” in Latin, often used to admit mistakes. Reflecting on the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C, this prayer helps us acknowledge our sins before God and seek forgiveness.
Please pray with Psalm 51
Special intention for our Pope, Francis
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC