Day 5: Abiding in the Spirit
“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him because he abides with you, and he will be in you.”
John 14:15-17
Our daily life shows that, it’s a real challenge to abide in Christ for all through. There are powerful forces that may divert us away from Christ and God'scommands. But thanks to God, who has sent us the Holy Spirit. In John’s gospel, Jesus says: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments, and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to be with you forever. This is the spirit of truth whom the world can not receive because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him because he abides with you and will be in you.” The Holy Spirit is our ‘Advocate’, that is our “Comforter.”
We should live every day in his presence, abiding in his continuous guidance and love.
Prayer for indwelling of the Holly Spirit
Come Holy Spirit. Come and dwell in me. Come oh Holy Spirit, powerful Consoler, sacred Bond of the Father and the Son. Come oh hope of the afflicted!
Come and descend into my heart and establish in it Your home.
Come and enkindle in my tepid soul the fire of Your love so that I may be wholly subject to You. Come now in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Have a wonderful day with.
Remember, I m praying for you in this time.
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac
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