Day 18 – Our Defender, Our Advocate
Coming back on this eighteen day, on the role of the Holy Spirit as our helper. Naturally we are in need of defense, protection, strength and security. I believe that is the reason, Jesus himself calls the Holy Spirit, “The Advocate” or “ Paraclete”, which means someone who comes alongside in our struggles and in our weakness to help us”. The word of St Paul in his Letter to the Romans, “ The Holy Spirit, help us in our weakness” (Romans 8:26), that we are truly in need of the Holy Spirit as our inspirer, our intercessor and our protector. In other words, the Holy Spirit is our refuge and our fortress against the power of darkness and our defender against the Tempter. Knowing all the dangers that surround our spiritual and physical lives, we must rely on the presence of the Holy Spirit for protection because those who are in Christ have been removed from the authority of darkness (Colossians 1:13). No wonder, we can rely on John’s words, which reminds us that, the child of God is securely held by Jesus, and the “evil one cannot touch them” (1John 4:7). This protection is secured by the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, The Paraclete!
Lord Jesus, I believe there is no ruler, authority, power, leader, or anything else that equals the weight of the authority of your holy name. In Your name Lord Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, I declare my safety, my security from every spiritual, emotional and physical attack.
Holy Spirit, The paraclete, Help me to experience Lordship over my life. Come Holy Spirit, The Paraclete!
Lord Jesus, blessed be your holy name, for your sacrifice for us. The enemy has nothing on me because he has nothing on You, and You have me completely. No spiritual power or entity has power or authority over me because of Your death on the cross and resurrection. Thank You for the decisive victory that is ours in Christ Jesus. Come Holy Spirit, The paraclete. I need you in my life!