About Daniel


Favorite ice cream? - Cookies n' Cream

Favorite style of music? - Live Worship

One goal you'd like to accomplish in your lifetime? - Be a good father

When did God become real to you? - I've never questioned God's existence but early in life I was a Jesus fan, but didn't want to know Him personally. Jesus became incredibly real to me at age 16 while attending a retreat. That God would care about me and be concerned about what I was concerned about made me feel personally loved. This started a beautiful relationship and ongoing conversation I've had ever since.

What figure from the Bible has inspired you the most, and why? - King David.  Far from from a perfect example of a perfect leader, David shows us that what God requires is a humble andcontrite heart. He committed many sins, but always returned to the Lord with his whole heart. His worship through songs in the psalms is pure because he sets his heart toward his first love, God his creator who is bigger than his sinfulness. We should worship God this way everyday.