Solemnity of St. Peter and Paul. Ac 3:1-10; Ps 18; Gal 1: 11-20.
Unity and universality!
I'm grateful that I was ordained on the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul as they always remind me that God did not choose me because I'm perfect. Peter was impulsive in his reactions, and he denied Christ and Paul persecuted Christ and his Church. What made them pillars of the Church were not their human qualifications but faith in God, in spite of their human weaknesses. God works miracles and builds up his church through us. We are not qualified, but He qualifies us. He is the one who stands by us and gives us strength. "Come and I will make of you fishers of men." Peter is called by Christ to unite the whole Church, and Paul is called to help spread Christ's message to the universal Church. These are the two dimensions of the mission of the Church: Unity and Universality. Peter and Paul are certainly celebrated together by the Church in order to express these two directions of our missions.
We pray for our Pope so that he will always be the supreme bridge builder (Ad pontifex maximus) in the universal Church; that Bishop may fulfil the same mission in the diocesan level and Pastors in the Parish level. Lord, help our Church to remain faithful to her mission of "Binding and loosing"
Please make a special prayer for me and Fr. Hervé Pascal, today!
O Mary, conceived without sin. Pray for us who recourse to thee!
Pax Christi!
Fr. Georges sac