Paying taxes to Cesar!
In response to the question, "Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?" Jesus respinds clairly, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Mark12:13-17). Jesus's response endorses the paying taxes as we have to contribute to the wellfare of our nations.
Besides, Jesus invites us to respect state authority as long as this authority safeguards the safety and the unity of nations. God is the source of authority. (Romans 13:1). It is, therefore, important as well that those in a position of authority act as God's servants.
Jesus, through his wise response, invites us to take good care of material possessions as a sense of our stewardship.
However, Jesus, in no way opens rooms to idolatry towards Caesar, that is earthly leaders, but with respect and love for a harmonious healthy society. Jesus wants us to give to Caesar what is his and render ourselves to God
Pax Christi
Fr. Georges R. Bidzogo sac