The Glory of Easter: actions speak louder than words
Acts 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8
In cultures of the world, integrity is a high value and Christ’s teaching today resonates with these values. Christian life and our social, political, and family life are inseparable. Our faith should be translated into life. Words and deeds are inseparable. In the ancient Rome, they used to say: “operemus credite not verbum”, “trust in deed not in words'', the modern day Italian tell you: “prati non parole” , Spanish people will tell you: “Las palabras Se ilevan en el viento”:
“words are carried in the wind”.
In English, we say: "Actions speak louder than words”. In most African languages, this is ascertained in a very strong way: '' Mod asikik a mikobo; mod ane a mimbo" in Beti language in Cameroon. “A true person is not recognized by his words but by their actions”. What Paul, John, and Jesus are telling us this Sunday is that:
“The world needs more witnesses than it does teachers” (Pope Paul IV).
Be doers of the Words not hearers only.
Throughout the Bible, practicing the love, the words and the commandments of God has always been what pleases God. Jesus himself tells us that:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Mt7:21)
Saint James invites us to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22)
This clearly means faith without works is barren. It is dead.
In the first reading, Acts 9:26-31, relationships, messed-up personality. Remember “a house divided against itself cannot stand” (Mt 12:26).
Friends, we are Christians; let us have good hearts. Let us produce good actions! As Christians we must make good choices, do what faith and love do and faith will continue to grow in our lives.
Divine life invites us to be grafted into the true vine, the Source of life, Jesus Christ and abide in his word so that I can bear fruits. But sometimes even the devil uses the Bible. He might know the scriptures more than us. We must truly be Christians. Being Christian is not by word but life. We must know the Word, Jesus, and become what we hear and read everyday. When the Bible says, “ You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free”. Once we apply the truth of the word of Christ in our lives, there will be stability.
Once we truly know the word, we will no longer speak ill about anybody; we will no longer discriminate anyone because his or her origins, his or her culture. We must clearly make a difference between memorizing the Bible verses or claiming to be a Christian with our lips and knowing Jesus from our heart. Abiding in Jesus is to know his word from our heart - to love him from our heart because the word of God that we hear everyday is for our hearts. He says in Revelation 3: 20: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I willcome in and eat with that person, and they with me.”
God stands at the door of your door of your heart so that he may enter in. The word of God is not for your head but for your heart. St James is very clear to us:
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22)
Christianity is not a mere religion, but a way of life. Let us allow the power of the word penetrate our hearts as we come to Church every Sunday or everyday so that, we will no room for hatred, no room for gossips, no room discrimination, no room for jealousy, no room for envy, no room for false accusations. Because we abide in Jesus, the true vine, we will bear fruits of love, kindness, gentleness, goodness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, peace, joy, unity and reconciliation.
We conclude with these words of one of the Catholic saints, “May God be your house and you God’s house. Dwell in God that God may dwell in you. God dwells in you to support you and you dwell in God in order not to fail. So, keep the commandment! Have charity!”
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Georges R. BIDZOGO SAC
The glory of Easter: Reaching out the homebound of our Parish! Our new perspectives.
When I came to Holy Redeemer in October 2023, I expressed my vision to the Parish Pastoral and finance Councils. Among other important things, I vowed to focus on “Family life” and missions. I even told Bishop Boyea, that
“Holy Redeemer is now a missionary Parish”
Aware that this first year is more of observing, learning and laying down the foundations of this vision, I believe that, so far, we are progressing step by step in doing so with your collaboration. Thanks to the Parish staff and the two Parish Councils. Thanks to every one of you as we learn to know each other better and to journey together. Thanks for your incredible love. Thanks to those who even supported me with prayer and financially assisted me to go back to Cameroon in order to bury my grandmother. Thanks to those who have already invited me to have an experience with their families. Thanks to those who continue to come over to the office just to know me better and to show their love and support to me as their Pastor. As I celebrated the feast day of St. George, I said a special prayer for each of you through his intercession!
As I just mentioned above, this year aims at laying down some important foundations and setting up a road-map for our Parish for the next few years. For Example, the time table of the Masses has now been clearly set up: having daily Masses, one healing Mass monthly, power hour adoration every Thursday, Divine Mercy prayer group, Heart to heart ministry, Grief support group, Divorce group, the CCW, the Knights of Columbus, the Men’s club, the youth, adult formation, Marriage desk, and our outreach, all these spiritual activities, find strong support and adherence in my heart and my actions. We need to first focus on building up our spiritual life; for the first and foremost role of the Parish is to proclaim the Gospel and to make authentic disciples. Jesus himself tells us:
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Mt 6:33)
Let us build on solid ground, the word of God, Jesus our Rock! (cf. Mt 7:24-27).
In order to keep, our Parish in line with our yearly budget, we will launch a stewardship campaign in September this year, while in October of this same year, we will have our Parish fundraiser, which we have baptized: “Harvest Weekend”. I will reach out to each of you about this at the appointed time as I did with the DSA. Thanks a million times for your dedication! In the perspective of reinforcing and expanding our missionary vision, we intend to strengthen our Holy Redeemer scholarship and outreach program (Collection every third of the month) by putting into it, a healing and restoration aspect. Thanks to Dcn. Omar and all volunteers in that beautiful and wonderful ministry! Thanks to the committee of parents working to help with tuition fees of students who benefit from Holy Redeemer Scholarship.
For the Divine Mercy Foundation, our aim this year is to finalize the building of an orphanage in Cameroon, helping poor children with tuition fees, and supporting the vocation promotion by raising funds for Pallottine seminarians to the priesthood. I will write a letter to you about this, as I would like this vocation promotion to take place on the weekend of 29th – 30th June, which is the anniversary of my priestly ordination. What a remembrance!
Now, coming back to homebound, sometimes those who are homebound are easily forgotten. I thought that I would start by visiting all of them to bring hope, love and the sacrament of the Eucharist to them. Since the month of February, I have visited 21 homebound parishioners, and this has been a powerful and joyful experience for me and for them. I was so touched by the visitation of Mr. Antonio Perez, who last saw the priest 4 years ago. This was an experience of the resurrection for him as well as for others. I was also amazed that most of them knew me by name and they were so excited. They were so happy to share with me their stories, where they are coming from, and how much they love God and the Catholic Church.
Most of them love to watch our Masses online and they would not like to miss it. The moment of tears was indeed the time of the reception of the Body of Christ. After receiving the Body of Christ, I could see tears running through their eyes. Christ in the Eucharist is indeed our true life. As I’m sharing this experience, which is transforming my life everyday, I would like to encourage you to visit a homebound or a fallen away parishioner and to give them love, and to bring them Jesus. I also encourage you to let the office know if there is any homebound around you or any whom you know. This opens me up to the second phase of our journey of strengthening the family ministries. I want to visit “your family”. Please just contact me whenever you think we can do so.
I'm writing these words to you in fulfillment of Jesus' mandate sending his disciples to the villages, cities and towns:
“Go! …Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” (Mt 10:8)
Have a great Sunday,
Christ is risen, alleluia, alleluia!
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC