Living the Gospel this week. How to go to heaven?
In John 3:16, we read: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".
The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that salvation is a gift from God, and the normative way we receive that gift is through the seven sacraments, beginning with baptism (Catechism 1113ff.)
The Catechism of the Catholic Church understands the sacraments as sensible signs that Jesus Christ instituted to confer grace, i.e., divine life (CCC 1131; 1114-16).
Christ himself, the God’s man, his paschal sacrifice, his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension (CCC 613, 1085) is the foundation and the effectiveness of the sacraments.
1) Let’s work out everyday our relationship with Christ by partaking in the holy hour (will explain this next time), or Bible study, a life of faith and obedience to God’s commandment, daily desire of repentance.
2) Prepare your heart to receive Jesus in the sacraments, especially in the eucharist (confessions, coming to mass early, disposing your heart to be loved by Christ…). By doing this, we express our faith for St. John Chrysostom (349-407) pointed out that, “He that believes in the Son has everlasting life.”
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac