Living the Gospel. Effects of Baptism
Today’s reading helps us to reflect on the sacrament of Baptism. Let’s meditate on the effects of baptism. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, baptism has many effects, including:
“Purification from sins: Baptism forgives all sins, including original sin and personal sins, and all punishment for sin.
New birth in the Holy Spirit: Baptism makes the baptized a new child of God.
Membership in the Church: Baptism makes the baptized a member of the Body of Christ and the Church.
Reception of sacraments: Baptism makes the baptized capable of receiving other sacraments.
Indelible spiritual mark: Baptism imprints a permanent spiritual mark, or character, on the baptized that cannot be erased.
Sanctifying grace: Baptism infuses sanctifying grace, which makes the baptized holy and an heir to everlasting life.
Theological virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit: Baptism infuses the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love, as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Share in the priesthood of Christ: Baptism gives the baptized a share in the priesthood of Christ.
Basis for communion with all Christians: Baptism provides the basis for communion with all Christians”. (CCC #1227)
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC