Living the Gospel: Being the light of Christ in the world today!
Today Jesus, the newborn King, manifests himself as the light of the nations. He will invite his disciples in the sermon of the mount to be the light, which dispel darkness and help people.
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden". (Mt 5:14-16).
How can I become the light of the world throughout the coming year 2025
In Matthew 25: 31-46, Jesus invites us to live out our faith by accomplishing good works: feeding the hungry, visiting the sick and being kind to one another.
Maybe you can share the testimony of the goodness of the Lord and the truth of the Gospel. Sharing your story to others. This can enlighten them on their journey. This can also bring hope and encouragement to others.
Trying to invite others to follow Christ by sharing the word of God with them and spending time with them and listening to them.
Fr. Georges Roger BIDZOGO SAC