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Want to Join a Small Group?

The best way to join a small group is to start with our Alpha program. Here you will be seated at a table and over the course of 10 weeks, you will get to know these other 7 people quite well! At the end of the 10 weeks, you will be invited to continue with them for a small group.


What is a Small Group?

Small groups are fellowship groups comprised of 6-10 people who seek to come to know Jesus personally, and come to learn what God’s will is for their lives.  There are many different kinds of small groups: Content-based, and Spiritual-based. Topics range from Book Studies, to Bible Studies; Prayer Groups, to Reflection Groups, and many more.  A small group is a welcoming, confidential, and safe place where we can share our stories, trials, joys, sorrows, and lives with one another.

History of Small Groups

Where did we get the idea for small groups you ask? Well, this may surprise you, but the first small group was founded by Christ. He gathered to himself 12 men with whom He shared His love, life, and mission.  The disciples of Christ encountered the living God, were engaged by his teachings and actions, and were empowered after His death and resurrection to go out into the world and transform all peoples into disciples of Christ. We follow the example of Christ and the disciples by gathering into spiritual fellowship groups, sharing our lives, and challenging each other to follow Christ.


Why Join a Small Group?

You should consider joining a small group because you can not only encounter Christ living in another person, but you can take comfort in knowing you are not alone in your faith journey. Small groups are about becoming disciples of Christ. We seek to intentionally live out our faith by practicing our faith in Church and in our homes, workplaces, and world. We seek to become who God created us to be. We challenge each other to live a life uncommon, to become not only a follower of Christ, but a disciple.

When do Small Groups meet?

Small groups meet at many different times and days during the week. Every group is unique; some may meet on a Saturday morning, others on a Wednesday evening. We work hard to work with our member’s schedules.

Where do Small Groups meet?

We recommend that small groups meet in the home of one of the members. This helps to create a relaxing, comfortable environment. If this is not possible, there are meeting rooms available on our campus.

How long do meetings last?

Meetings typically last from 1-3 hours every week, every other week, or once a month.

Do I have to be a parishioner at Holy Redeemer to join?

All are welcome to join a small group. No need to be a parishioner or even Catholic; just come with an open heart, waiting for God’s will.


Golden Rules of Small Groups - We Are:

Non-Judgmental - we are all sinners, let’s remember that, and love people right where they are at.

Non-Political - There is definitely a time and a place for us to get involved in the political arena, but here, we gather to grow and help each other live out our faith.

Non-Gossiping - Remember, we are here to become more like Christ, to build up His Body(one another), the Church, not to tear it down.

Confidential - In this group, people bare their hearts and minds to each other. Trust will grow if you know that what is said here stays here.

For everyone - We are all here to build each other up, challenge, and support one another in our journey through life and faith. Everyone should have a chance talk and be heard.




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More Information

Emily Arthur
Director of Adult Formation, RCIA, and Communication