What is "Witness to Hope"?
Our financial generosity is one expression of how we can witness to the hope of His message and build His kingdom here on earth. It is not something that we should do grudgingly or as a token response. Witness to Hope is an invitation to be an active missionary and evangelist for Christ Jesus. Together in union with tens of thousands of your sisters and brothers, you are called to be a Witness to Hope throughout the Diocese of Lansing.
What is the Diocesan Goal?
The Catholic Diocese of Lansing is moving forward on a historic journey to raise $65 million in its first-ever comprehensive diocesan-wide campaign titled Witness to Hope. Based on the vision of Bishop Boyea’s pastoral letter Go Announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this campaign will advance the ability of our parishes, as well as our diocese, to fulfill the shared mission given to us by Jesus for years to come.
Where Will the Money Go?
What is Holy Redeemer's Goal?
Holy Redeemer has been asked to raise $1.3 million (aprx. 1 year's contribution)
Where Can I Learn More about the Campaign?
click the link below to to go to the official campaign website
More Information
Who Can I Contact About the Campaign?
Simply fill our the form to contact our assigned representative - Donna Marino - 480.662.2178 or dmarino@greatermission.com