The sacredness of marriage
We are dealing this morning with the question of divorce. This was a practice in the time of Moses, and it is a very serious plague that hunts families in our day.
Jesus continues today through his Holy church to affirm the sacredness of marriage. God's intention in creation from the beginning (Genesis 2:18-23) was that all human marriage between man and woman should be lifelong. To separate what God had joined was a violation of God's design.
Without condemning anyone who is in a situation of sin, we would state clearly that divorce is unlawful according to the divine intention.
Let's pray for true love, which is aiming at protecting and caring for one another. Love calls for perseverance and patience, forgiveness, and joy. True love always finds solutions and good reasons why we should even sacrifice our selfish tendencies. It not just about the two people, but also God who is the starting point of the love - where the two who are no longer two but one. cf Mt19,6. (Read 1 Cor. 13.)
Lord, give peace and lasting joy to married couples for a yield of beautiful families. Protect, o Lord the beauty of the sacrament of holy matrimony! Amen.
Fr. Georges Roger Bidzogo sac